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Question #1165341776Tuesday, 5-Dec-2006
Category: Theory Statistics Stereotype
Someone said on the forum that ISFjs can commonly be found working in hospitals. Could somebody make a list of the places where the other 15 types can be found? -- INTJ
Your Answers: 1+
A1 ESFJs commonly found as teachers in schools, many ISTJs/ESTJs working in financial institutions such as banks -- Anonymous
A2 There are more ENFj and ENFp rather than ESFj teachers. -- Dr. Zoidberg
A3 I've noticed that people who enjoy working in the business world tend to prefer 'sensing'. Apparently sensors enjoy dealing with the horribly boring, tongue hanging out of the side of your mouth type of work that is typical of the business world. -- econdude
A4 Ha! Except that those of us sensors who crave variety get very bored ourselves - I've found myself stuck in admin-type office positions because every time I go off the beaten track (such as working at a lube shop, managing a paintball field, running a home organization business, running the warehouse for an internet airsoft distributor, etc.) I (an ISTp) can't make ends meet ... but I can competently & efficiently work a corporate job for a few years to abolish my debts, then skate around blissfully aimlessly for a few more years. I've thought about becoming a firewoman, but have been informed by several firemen that most of the work is scraping folks off the pavement after car wrecks, and I have developed an irrational fear of needles after a hospital stay, so I just keep wandering around career-wise. (I especially miss the paintball field; I still wear my camo jacket even into the office )! -- iAnnAu
A5 A2 'there are more enfj and enfp teachers than esfj teachers' Eh are you referring teachers of young children, young teenagers, college student teachers or mature student teachers? Where is your research founded? I would say at university most of my teachers there where I-N types. I'm ISTp. Personally I've wanted to be a paramedic but its been really tough to get into. Solitary jobs where I get to speak to other people and different people a few times a day suits me. Being outdoors is good. I've had my share of corporate office jobs (got one just now) but although i've learned how to be good at them I sometimes find I have a need to kick back at the rules established by management etc. which can lead to 'boil bubble toil trouble!' (these rules in these corporate office type jobs that I refer to, I often view it that apart from us needing the one or two essentials, the rest are really just a counter productive type of method and mainly serve as a method of antagonisation and as a way for middle managers to try out yet another method of messing things up!) -- Cyclops
A6 An MBTI-based study of lawyers in the U.S. showed that the four types most likely to choose law, professionally, are ESTJ, ENTP, INTJ, and ISTJ. Te types, basically, but most successful criminal (esp. criminal defense) lawyers are almost definitely ESTps or ENTps - Ti works much better in unstable environments where you need to adapt quickly, I'd imagine. I would suggest that U.S. Supreme Ct. Justice Antonin Scalia is an archetypal ESTj. -- The Sum-Total ENTj.
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A7 politics - entj, intj, istj, estp -- Anonymous
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