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Question #1157719476Friday, 8-Sep-2006
Category: ENTp ESFp Dating Relationship Advice
Hi, im a female entp dating a male esfp. Is there any advice to be given/ potential problems to watch out for? thanks S. -- sara
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A1 This is one of those type relationships that could go either way. Just keep complementing your male friend on his intellectual abilities and you'll be fine. -- Dr. Zoidberg
A2 Well, im an ESFP too so ill try to explain what you maybe shouldnt do or say to him. We may look very confident and whatever on the outside and we usually are. But when people criticize us we lose confidence, so try to take our side. Remember since we're extroverts we need a lot of outside approval. If you hurt our feelings we may get very depressed and feel like withdrawing. So dont try to do this. If you do we might do something really stupid. Cause i know from experience when i get emotional i do VERY VERY stupid things and get myself into a lot of trouble. It doesnt mean u always have to agree with us. Just respect us and listen to us when we talk (cause we do that a lot) and try to make us feel better when we're sad. Don't EVER hang up the phone on us when were talking and dont ignore us, thats like a cardinal sin to us people. And if we feel like doing something (driving fast or whatever) dont make us stop, just say ur uncomfortable and well stop. Were not bad people, we just have that do whatever we want attitude. Anyway if you wanna know more and use me as a test dummy ESFP id be happy to and im really bored. My SN is smccosker on AIM. -- Sean
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A3 Love us and constantly let us know that you do, be it in whatever form you like. -- -John
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