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Question #1157324011Sunday, 3-Sep-2006
Category: INTj INTp Theory
I would like to know if there is any relationship between a person's type and his or her eyesight. For instance, are INTs more likely to suffer from myopia? -- An INTJ
Your Answers: 1+
A1 chinese are more likely to be short-sighted than caucasians. i think this is genetic as well as cultural. chinese start to write too early, before the children's eyes are mature enough handle prolonged short-distance focus. i don't think myopia has anything to do with types. you can do a study and try to find a link. my guess is, even if the relationship is statistically significant, the magnitude of the effect would be minimal. -- Anonymous
A2 I've always had the theory that those born with bad eyesight turn out to be Intuitive types, based on the fact that nature robbed them of key Sensory organs. This was true for me, because I've had bad eyesight from an early age, and my strongest function is Extroverted Intuition. Any opinions? -- Doug
A3 Doubt it. Dougs theory I can bust right off. I'm INTp, and I have excellent eye-sight. It was tested when I applied to become a fighter pilot, the testing was more advanced than those eye-sight tests you normally have at doctor. Nothing wrong with my other senses either. While the ESxx types in my family, all have glasses. -- Anonymous
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A4 I'm just wondering what kind of sense it makes, evolutionarily speaking, for Intuitive Types to have strong eyesight and Sensing Types to have weak eyesight. This seems to contradict the 'natural order' of things. Back in the days of the caveman, how is someone with bad eyesight going to be a sensing type? I've noticed my own tendency to 'look through' objects being a primarily Extroverted Intuitive type. My contact prescription strength is -7.5 (pretty damn strong), and even when I've got them in, my sensing skills are pretty poor as I've often got 'my head in the clouds'. Any opinions or stories anyone can share about this topic?? -- Doug (ENFP)
A5 I don't think there is any correlation between type and eyesight, at least not from my experience. I've known intuitives who have good eyesight (myself being one), intuitives who have bad eyesight, sensors who have good eyesight, sensors who have bad eyesight. I don't really know what causes some people to have bad eyesight exactly, but it's probably something other than type. Just remember - sensing is a cognitive function, your eyes are physical organs. It's perfectly possible to be physically deficient in some way without having any mental problems, in the same way it's possible to be mentally deficient in some way without having any physical problems. On the other hand I could be completely wrong, but that's my thoughts on the subject. -- BLauritson (INTp)
A6 No connection to type at all, I am an ISTj and do wear glasses, the same goes with my ISFj mother and ISTj father. It maybe has something to do with genetics, however my INFp sister's eyesight is perfect. -- Anonymous
A7 Eyesite and sensing aren't necessarily linked. I have better than perfect vision (2010) but sometimes I'll be looking for something and I won't be able to see it, even if it's right out in the open. Then when I ask someone if they've seen it, I'll notice the object as I'm asking, before they ewven say anything. This has happened to me a lot, and my guess is it has to do with my Ni being dominant over my Se. My brain has registered the object but my unconscious Se function supresses the information until I make a conscious decision to ask for it, then I see it clear as day. -- Anonymous
A8 I'm an INTJ with terrible nearsightedness. In the past I've tested as an INTP; nowadays I'm more of a E/INTJ. Anyway, my poor vision comes form my father's side, who is a ES/NTP -- Anonymous
A9 Doug raised an interesting issue, even though it may not be 100% scientifically valid. I had bad eyesight since early childhood and I am phenomenally intuitive (an INFJ-INTJ mix). They say that handicapped children are almost always gifted in some other way, and this may be an example of it. I must however add here, that I enjoyed the answer (A5) provided by Blauritson. Trust an INTP to provide such an answer -- Dhananjay
A10 Brain might not even consider visual and audial information as "sensitory information" (despite being senses in terminology). As those two are seperate systems from the other senses, while the other senses use the same sensitory system (based on what is known about the areas they activate on brains). Notice also that S is mostly defined in regards of these other senses (touch, taste etc.). As an INTp I can easily imagine what things look like, or what sounds they make. But I can't imagine things like tastes, smells or how different materials would feel. -- Anonymous
A11 After having carefully read many of these forums and descriptions of type, I find it very interesting that as an INTp, I actually feel as connected if not more so to ISTp. However due to a childhood illness I have a diminished sense of smell and taste. That being said there is very little that escapes my attention in any environment. I am a social worker and work with children with mental illness. I can remember entire conversations from a single visual cue. Also I have a highly developed intuition. Is it possible for someone to use both faculties if they are a strong enough T? -- Anonymous
A12 I don't think eyesight is connected to Socionics in any way, but Doug is partly right in the sense that the way a person consciously treats his/her eyesight definitely is determined by their Socionics type. The more I observe people the more it seems to me that INs and people with introverted N, especially ENTjs and INTps, are most at ease with wearing glasses, while Ses would like to have as good eyesight as possible and avoid wearing glasses whenever they can and if they can't, they prefer contact lenses. It's obviously because Ses need to percept the world directly, without anything standing in their way, while INs and especially Nis don't. But there are also exceptions because there are Ses with quite well-developed N, or forced by the environment to use this unpreferred function, who like to wear glasses, and vice versa with Ns. I was very surprised when I realized there's a psychological reason for my life-long desperate longing to get rid of my glasses and in spite of that being strongly attracted to guys who wear them. As to Sis and Nes, their attitude is more practical - their choice depends more on the character of situation. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A13 My first instinctive answer to the question is something akin to BLauritson (INTp)'s. From my point of 'view' (pun intended), I'm much more inclined to believe it's genetically related (pun intended) rather than correlating to cognitive S/N functions, though Ezis raises an interesting cognitive psychological subconscious theory regarding psychological preference to contact lenses vs glasses vs a person being in denial & refusing to get either until it's beyond obvious to the point of inevitability to him/herself. I'd be VERY interested to 'see' how much of a correlation there might be to this. I'd never think to even think of it in this light. Back to the original question at hand. My mom (probably ISTj) has had 20/200 vision w/o correction since 2nd grade, is too "blind" (w/o glasses) for contact lenses to be an option, but doesn't have any inherent oversensitivity to light (brightness, reflections, flickering/strobing, etc). My dad (probably ENTp), even at 66, STILL has 20/15 vision. (It was 20/10 when he was a sniper in the military.) He only, just recently, needs reading glasses for fine print. But he obviously has some light sensitivity that overly strains/fatigues his eyes in bad physically incompatible environments, and thus, wears shades to protect himself. I'm consistently INTP MBTI (over last 17+ years) & INTj Socionics (over last 18 months), with 20/20 vision (my whole 36-year life), & a myriad of pretty serious light sensitivities (my eyes 'reading' 100-watt brightness, for instance, as brighter than 180 watts...and being at risk for seizures around fast strobing/flickering lights, etc). Being diagnosed with borderline autism when I was a kid certainly hasn't helped me either, as there definitely IS a scientific correlation to ASD & heightened oversensitivity/over-stimulation to physical environments...and to heightened Introverted preferences & behaviors as a result. So perhaps I make an unusually interesting "case" example. My brother's (ESTp) 20/20 vision is the most "normal" since his eyes don't strain & has never needed glasses/lenses. My sis (ISFp) also has 20/20, but with all the same light sensitivities as myself to a much less acute degree. She doesn't have glasses yet, but has suspected for years that she's needed something to shield/protect her eyes for the same reasons I wear prescription shades in sun or fluorescent lights & glasses in dim or energy efficient lighting. When looking for misplaced items, however, my mom, sis, & bro (all S's) all seem to FIND things better, though, probably b/c their cognitive function is better suited to scanning the physical environment for details, whereas, dad & I can appear to be "looking right at" something, but still absent-mindedly "miss" it, b/c we're probably busy thinking ahead to where else we might have left it if we can't find it "here", lol. Just my experience(s) & two cents' worth. -- Soc INTj, MBTI INTP, SLOAN rcoei, Enne 5w4
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