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Question #1156236775Tuesday, 22-Aug-2006
Category: Typing Intertype Relations
I've had several encounters with ISFPs and INFPs that didn't go very well, mainly because I was an outgoing, sociable person, and they didn't like to talk very much or approach people to talk to them for that matter, and I got tired of making all the moves, so I broke it off with them. So I can avoid this from happening again, which types are most likely to clash with the aforementioned types? -- Feri
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A1 I'm an INTP and my girlfriend is an ESFJ(The total opposite!). Despite this, we are still happily together, for 6 years. When couples break off, its more likely due to communication breakdown, rather than MBTI type mismath. -- Eric
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A2 A1, I hope I didn't confuse you. I meant to say that they were friends that were girls, and I'm a girl too, but your advice did help somewhat. Thanks. -- Feri
A3 I'm an INFP and can think of problems I've had with ESTJ and ENFP. Attention seeking and flitting from person to person are huge turn offs. In general after being friendly in a normal way let them come to you if they don't then they're not interested and you're right to break it off, there's no need to force relationships. What would attract me to an outgoing person is if they consistently do their own thing without trying to impress me, but still show me respect and kindness. If I'm cold I wouldn't be impressed with someone being extra-warm in response. INFP generally cautious so will just take time to earn trust by being consistently kind and genuine. -- Anonymous
A4 A3: That's an excellent response, in my INFp opinion. ESTj types tend to strike me as extremely shallow when it comes to actually listening and involving other people in their lives, and I always sense they want to control group situations or else they rapidly lose interest. Not my cup of tea. I am also attracted to extraverted types that manage to show interest in other people, and not simply a gift for gab. -- Anonymous
A5 I am INFx and often fall for the charms of ESFj people, because while they can be quite obnoxious for my likes (always loud, always funny), they are very caring and it is simply fun to get along for a while. But the pace often too quick to follow, I often get exhausted. But then an ESFx comes and picks up on my empathy and I suddenly sit there and listen and try to provide some help/insight to their problems, were I'd normally shy away. So, I fathom things have to go deep for an INFx to be able to participate. This in turn is quite exhausting for most Extroverts. -- Anonymous
A6 INFPs are very chatty, witty even, but you have to be close to them first. It takes time. My sister's is an INFP and my Mum is an ISFP, and I know that around people they trust, they are very warm. INFPs especially like to see that someone is genuine. Just remember not to talk about yourself too much whilst being kind, and if they want to be your friend, they'll open up. -- pandapanda (ENFP)
A7 INFp's are too two faced -- Bob
A8 @A7, Maybe you just have that affect on people. -- Anonymous
A9 Which type are you, Feri? -- Anonymous
A10 I’m an INFP, and I have to agree with A#. ENFPs drive me nuts for some reason. I can’t stand them most of the ones I know. Also ESTJs are sooo ingenuine, all I can see is a giant mask when I interact with them. It’s exhausting to laugh at their dumb jokes, and attempts to “win you over”. INFPs well react to genuine people. I agree with A6 that INFPs are extremely outgoing and open with people they care about. Also I agree with A5 that I have a habit of making ESFJ “best” friends but it is always temporary. They are very open and caring.. but end up controlling and manipulative. What type are you Feri? -- Anonymous
A11 Actually,I described myself as being outgoing, but I'm pretty much in my own head and quiet, though over time I've become more outgoing. I do think aloud often. I'm not sure what type I am, but somewhere in the realm of IN*Ps, if this is typical of them. -- Feri
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