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Question #1155841339Thursday, 17-Aug-2006
Category: Visual Identification
In the article Notes on V.I. by Sergei Ganin there is the next statement: "Also, it is essential to know the handedness of a person. Without it the photo could be pretty useless. But because majority of people are genuinely right-handed, it almost works in majority of cases." My question is: What is the corelation between handedness and type? Thank you. -- Vlad - INTj
Your Answers: 1+
A1 right-handed people tend to be left-brained and vice versa. brain dominance sheds some light on the dominant functions of a person. -- Anonymous
A2 Visual Identification seems somewhat shallow to me. I can see how posture,facial expressions, etc.. can translate, but face shape and body type? Come on. That's genetics. I look a lot like my father and yet we have completely opposite personalities. How can you justify this? -- Anonymous
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Perhaps this link would help -
A3 A2, I was once a skeptic too but after years of study, "yeah I'm a believa"! VI is more energetic animation than physical attributes. So far, Ganin's discoveries are #1, way above and beyond the rest in this emerging field. VI is an art which requires a significant investment of time and keen observational energies before one can experience its payoffs. But once you start to, it is fascinating. -- but when i saw her face
A4 My sister is both-handed (means she can write with left or right) and tested INTj (after MBTI), is that a common for INTx? I tested INFx (socionics), I write with right hand, but playing hockey in school I was left-handed, so I actually needed a "leftie" shinny/hockey stick. Does that fit as well? -- Anonymous
A5 Peoples general faces and bodies tend to be shaped by who they are on the inside, like the passing of time of the particular pattern of the wave shaping the rock. It is a gradual, sometimes subtle event, but it exists. The eye observes all these things over time. -- Cyclops
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A6 I don't buy the idea that one's personality has an effect on one's physical elements, myself. I think what people are doing with VI is reading body language, expression, etc - things directly influenced by personality. I do think people can get good enough at reading these non-physical signs to identify people by sight quite easily, but the idea that personality molds the physical structure of the body doesn't really fit in with everything else I know about how life works (ie, that piece of information doesn't fit in with my Ti-constructed system of understanding). I'm willing to be convinced, mind you, but it would take an awful lot of empirical evidence to do so. -- Krig (INTj)
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