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Question #1147225816Wednesday, 10-May-2006
Category: Typing Advice Relationship ENFp Cheating
Which type do you think would cheat in a relationship? -- Neil
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A88 I speak as an ENFP. Of course, any type can cheat, and I believe that they would rationalize cheating though the values of their specific type. So, although it is possible, here is what I have to say... Good news: Because ENFP's have a value system (as wacky as it may seem to you), it is a strong moral compass pointed at authenticity, thus it is unlikely that they would cheat. Bad news: It is FAR more likely that they would dump you. If an ENFP cannot improve the relationship, believing that they have hit a brick wall (which could be erroneous but that doesn't matter), they will start thinking that there is something better, a more ideal soulmate, on the horizon, and they will travel on toward that, real or imaginary. through in some Kiersey, we are NF's after all. We care very much about love and very much about soul mates, and we would rather be in a deep, intimate, relationship than not. Just because we don't know how to always do that, doesn't mean we don't want it. We do very, very much. -- Anonymous
A89 Why will an ISTJ and a ENFP not get along? -- Anonymous
A90 ENTJ,ESTP,ENTP. Bisexual mans. -- Jitka-ISFP
A91 I believe the "Experimenter" (EXXp) types probably have the greatest chance-and create the most opportunities-to cheat b/c they're the most apt to be excited about anything new & exciting, and then taking those opportunities for exploring their inherent change. I also believe that tend to exude and be more energized/stimulated by new social situations in their environments, in general, than ...& is less likely to feel guilty or get caught up in other people's feelings than . So, by process of elimination, I'd say the "Conqueror" ESTp is probably the most likely candidate if the person is immature. -- Soc INTj, MBTI INTP, SLOAN rcoei, Enne 5w4
A92 All types can have primal urges that override cognitive processing, which make them capable of cheating; however, the rationale or excuses for doing so will likely vary depending on ones type. -- Anonymous
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