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Question #1147225816Wednesday, 10-May-2006
Category: Typing Advice Relationship ENFp Cheating
Which type do you think would cheat in a relationship? -- Neil
Your Answers: 1+ 31+ 61+ 88+
A61 I'm an INTP and I have cheated. One time was enough for me to know I'd never do it again. It was a four year relationship and my ISTJ partner refused to become intimate with me for oh, like 3 months at a time. I cheated, then felt so guilty I confessed. I'm a lot older now, and I would never cheat on anyone again! I would just end the relationship. So, anyone can cheat. Period. But more likely to cheat??? A young minded ENTP is very likely to cheat. My best friend is one and I have seen this happen many times. -- Anonymous
A62 Based on my life observations ENFP and ESFP. Especially if the individual also has some combination of enneagram type 9/8, 3/4 or 7. -- Anonymous
A63 I am an ENFP that has never cheated. I have never helped anyone cheat. I frown strongly on both! I would not condone it under any circumstance. I can't even get interested in dating after breaking up for months or ,in the case of my ex, years! I hate cheaters and their accomplices as well! There is no excuse for it. And to say we're more likely to cheat is bull. Of all my friends there are only 2 ENFP's and we're the ONLY two who have NEVER cheated or been a homewrecker. I'm sure there are ENFP's who have cheated or wrecked homes but, I can say we're not the most likely. Probably because ENFP's are very empathetic and can look at how cheating would hurt their significant other by putting themselves in their partners shoes before they do it! -- Heidi
A64 I'm an ENFp (I have actually had phases in life where i fluctuated between being ENTp and ENFp, now however i'm a definite ENFp) and I think cheating is something that has to do with values and upbringing, and not types. I personally hold extreme value for trust others bestow on me and do everything i can to keep that trust unwavering. Unless ofcourse my trust is shattered and/or i have been mistreated. I have been considered a good confidant and trustworthy ever since i was little by friends and family. Yes, i do tend to get bored easily BUT my intuitive mind holds overall happiness (mine and of people I care about), and future consequences more important than instant gratification. i have also been taught self control when it comes to certain things since childhood by my lovely and kind of a disciplinarian father. Also, my empathetic side finds it very difficult to do something i wouldn't ever want to be done. I have never cheated and never plan on doing so no matter how many drinks I’ve had or how much “heat” there is in any given moment or how promising another relationship seems. I don't get into any relationship if i dont find myself being happy in the future and full of potential and promising to begin with so there are no incentives to cheat and/or look further. and I would much rather talk openly about issues of this sort with whoever I’m in a relationship with, if there is an issue. -- E to the N-F-p!
A65 ENTP...tend to be amoral and extremely desirous of attention..As an ENTP, I've cheated more for reasons of attention than sexual pleasure or romance. And I've never felt bad about it... -- Anonymous
A66 I agree with A12- ENFPs jump from relationship to relationship, but rarely cheat. I know ENFPs that are onstantly getting in and out of relationships. As an INFP I can relate, athough it was not as extreme when I was still dating. It's harder for INFPs to get into them, since they are more extraverted. I think ESTPs!!! -- INFPPPPP
A67 ESFps I've met are straightout players. They "try out" other people for potential relationships for long periods of time despite them already being in a relationship. So I would say ESFps are most likely to cheat. I wonder if ENFps are targeted here mostly because of the "ENFp" tag on this question. ENFps I know seemt to be in commitments faithfully. -- Anonymous
A68 A67: I was in love with married men several times but I would never, never even flirt with them. I am a Christian, I try to keep some boundaries though it is extremely difficult for me, and I try to keep my feelings to myself. Of all my friends and relatives, including many Eps, who have been mentioned as cheaters here, nobody has ever cheated as far as I know. -- Ezis (ESFp)
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A69 Do you people consider consentual "swinging" "screwing for professional or under dire circumstances "CHEATING" I DON'T. -- ENFP
A70 Why is this question tagged as ENFp?? After personal experience, I'd have to say ISTp. period. -- ENFp
A71 ENFJ by experience my exgirlfriend has had 5 boyfriends in 3 years me being the 5th one she cheated the 4th one with me and at the same time she had a civerboyfriend and she lfth me to be with her firts boyfriend they cheat a lot -- Anonymous
A72 I think people who unnecessarily make themselves suffer tend to want others (usually people really close to them and love a lot) to suffer as well. Or do not mind if their close ones suffer since they make themselves suffer (stupid, I know.) So, with that in mind, I think the unhealthy ISTps are most likely to cheat, since they have a problem and thus become sadistic. They like to watch people close to them suffer. I've seen that from many ISTps including myself. Many people tell me to see a therapist but I'm too skeptical of them. -- I Stole The Pain
A73 Hi y'all, for background/insight I'll letchya' know I've been dabbling in MBTI since college (about 15 years) when I first took the assessment and was labeled ENTp. I've taken the test numerous times under numerous circumstances and find I'm borderline F/T but enuf about that... As to whom *I* "think" would cheat, I offer my own experience...I was married for 16 years (1990 til I left in 2006) to what I perceive to be an ISTj woman (I know, but I took vows to "make it work" pretty seriously Anyhow, she slept with the upstairs neighbor within a month of our marriage (I didn't know) then had multiple affairs over the years...I finally had enuf of that sh*t and left... Oh and, where can I find info on the meaning of those symbols? -- DeltaZeta
A74 lol, the Dr. Zoidberg vs Cyclops thread was more entertaining than this one, albeit irrelevant. gotta say, i side with the Dr. cheating eh....what is it with all the ENTp's craving random ppl's attention yet treating those who should be their nearest and dearest with disrespect? and not even feeling remorseful for it? have they no hearts? i realize they have weak Fi, but that's no excuse. -- S
A75 I'm ENFp and I agree with A64. I would never cheat if I'm in a happy and satisfying relationship. =) -- Anonymous
A76 I don't think it really has much to do with type. What matters is whether or not the person is satisfied with the relationship and getting most or all of what they need, and even then, some people might cheat. I think most of it is morality; if one has a good set of morals (including fidelity) and sticks to them, that person will probably not cheat. -- enfp
A77 In my experience, ILI and IEI males. -- MM
A78 A74 wrote; "...what is it with all the ENTp's craving random ppl's attention yet treating those who should be their nearest and dearest with disrespect? and not even feeling remorseful for it?" Interesting, is'nt it? ENTp's on one hand pride themselves with independence, still crave attention from the outside in satisfying mental comfort. Consistency? -- entp
A79 A75 is right about ENFP's from my experience. My ENFP friend has had one of the best relationships ever. I think ESTp's win for me, but you can get scumbags in a variety of personalities. Depends a lot on how well-rounded a person is. -- Anonymous
A80 ESFjs and ISFps. They consider it to be a nervously secretive, shameful, yet irresistibly compulsive part of life, and are least capable of resisting their physical desires. (By the way, I do not agree with most of the celeb suggestions for alpha SFs on this site). They could all be sitting around having a prudish bible study, but if a few of them started suddenly making out, a wild orgy could break out where they'd all join in. And when all was said and done, they'd feel secretively justified because everyone felt great and "no one got (physically) hurt." Rah rah rah. Go alpha. Extraverted Feeling sucks. -- INTP
A81 can i interject and ask is dr. zoidberg istp? -- Anonymous
A82 You guys are awesome and i admire your intellectual ways of communicating each and every single idea!! seriously "wow" worthy. But A64 has a very interesting point... where she/he thinks "cheating is something that has to do with values and upbringing, and not types." Personally i don't have a concrete answer, but maybe i can contribute to someone else's further speculations, researches, and conclusions. I am not necessarily sure if i am an INFp or ENFp, but whichever one, i have cheated on every guy so far. The first one back in my immature and younger years because i felt the guy was cheating on me as well (which i later confirmed), the others because they bored me and even when i put myself on their shoes and felt terrible guilt i somehow managed to excuse myself, and the one who i wanted to really really take seriously because he didn't satisfy me emotionally (not enough attention), physically (ahem, too stingy and selfish lol), and mentally (wasn't teaching me anything as constantly as before, be it "book" smarts or "street" smarts.) ohh!! and the cyclops guy sounds soo attractive!! Haha!! lol. seriously, so gentlemanly, logical, intellectual, fact-based, intelligent, great debator!! xD -- -If life gives you its back, grab its ass. >.<
A83 ENTP guy here. I've cheated and felt no guilt at all. So maybe we are heartless! It certainly wasn't part of my upbringing. Quite the contrary actually. Strange feeling to have no guilt afterwards - that was the main thing that surprised me. I'd probably do it again given the opportunity. -- entp31
A84 No one's said anything about ESTjs; what would make them likely or unlikely to cheat? -- Anonymous
A85 A newly self-discovered ENFp.....guilty as charged....serial cheater...but with good intent! -- Anonymous
A86 Amazing how so many people moralize this issue and point fingers at others. Moral outrage - how could anyone cheat? Yet there are just as many cheating. Some of these people fit both categories - that is, as someone who has thought of cheating, has cheated (emotional affairs count), or will cheat in the future casting morals aside. Get over your black and white thinking. This is a complex issue. The reasons have affairs are complex. It's not just "bad" people who have affairs - someday it might be you or your spouse. -- Anonymous
A87 ESTP, ESFP. Obvious. Most helpless to impulses. Most vulnerable to boredom and "new experiences." Most sexual by nature. Most needy for "physical validation." Least loyal to people or "marriage oaths." -- Anonymous
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