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Question #1147225816Wednesday, 10-May-2006
Category: Typing Advice Relationship ENFp Cheating
Which type do you think would cheat in a relationship? -- Neil
Your Answers: 1+ 31+ 61+ 88+
A31 On question #1190913816 posted by Jessica, I put a comment on, to which you replied 'istp makes dr.zoidberg laugh, and I laugh a lot' then you signed off with your name by saying 'dr. zoidberg is an ENFj) So maybe you have changed your type, or it is more likely your a fool. -- Cyclops
A32 I've never signed 'dr. zoidberg is an ENFj' and that wasn't my comment. Also you should know that it is ISTp's lack of emotional response and sometimes open rudeness that would wind ENFj. I, on the other hand, just think you are an idiot. -- Anonymous
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A33 No you don't your just being rude and there's no need for it. I think you did say that why would someone refer to them as you in their post and their name. -- Cyclops
A34 You are telling me you know better what I think and what I did? I rest my case. -- Anonymous
A35 Ps it is really that ENFj look to get under someones skin to control them, and the ISTp kicks back with their superior physical attributes, as pointed out by I/O. So it appears you've lied and made an incorrect socionic judgement -- Cyclops
A36 BAAAAAACK to the topic (guys!) - Another poster asked whether the question referred only to relationships where the stated commitment includes monogamy. I (an ISTp) am polyamorous, which means I don't date exclusively, but this is understood by all the folks I'm with. Basically, I don't *want* a committed relationship. That being said, things have gotten more complicated at times than I like to deal with; to keep up with everyone & everything requires being far more social than I sometimes want. However, in most ways it still seems like less total "E" output than an emotionally attached & exclusive relationship (although this may go back to my suspicion that I pretty much only date "I"s and am one myself). I do get caught up in questioning my motivations sometimes, but that's more of a reality check than an assumption of guilt. Several years ago, I was in a relationship where the guy was telling me he wanted to marry me, but later on I discovered that he was cheating on me. It F&*(ed with my head for quite some time, but eventually he explained that he really had fallen in love with me, but rationalized that he needed to "sow his wild oats" before settling down. He apologized because he finally realized his error, and now we correspond on a near-family level, because we know each other so well (and because he does most of the maintenance!). I believe he was type INTj. -- iAnnAu
A37 Getting of subject, Cyclops: You really expressed some great points without being rude, good for you.... Dr. Zoidberg: I also read and commented at the post in which you stated you were an ENFJ. Seems you are jealous and wish to be more dominantly or . Yes any type could be susceptible to cheating as it is about dishonoring one's commitments. But we are just having a friendly discussion on which is most likely to do so. In case you missed that point, now it has been explained to you clearly. So make your points without telling other's they're stupid as it detracts from your argument and makes it hard to take what you say seriously. OK back on subject, The Sum-Total ENTJ: Yes, I agree with what you said about the ESTP. I have even over heard conversations as a bystander on more than one occasion by different ESTP's talking about cheating just because they can. -- AN ENTP
Moderator's comment
The IP address of the post in question belongs to the different user, yes you know who you are
A38 Oh thank you, thank you, moderator! The sweet justice! -- Dr. Zoidberg
A39 Its not really about victory or justice zoidberg, as the overall point is that if you want people to listen to you then its not a good idea to call them idiots fools or incase of other, repeatedly refer to them as weirdo's. We're all survivors in some way or other. Look doc guy I personally am not here for a fight (an ps thank you entp for understanding how being attacked in such a fashion would be an undesired experience) Now from what I understand, you've been on this website for a while, maybe even not willing to reveal your type for some reason? the moderator may even feel some sort of affinity for you being there from early times if not the beginning. Perhaps you have posted so long that the only way to keep you entertained is by riling innocent people. Personally I think people listen to someone more if they don't behave such a way (respect is a two way thing) Now all the hunches mentioned could be wrong but I do know insulting people in general isn't a good way to interact. For me I am happy to move on for the good of relations and input (i'm sure as you've been here for a while you will have one or two inputs that myself and others will not be aware of) So let us wipe your slate clean as far as i'm concerned. Sorry everyone personally from detracting from the thread but I just wanted to say this and therefore put to see if this mysterious cartoon character can to bed bed this sillyness as I would think is best to. -- Cyclops
A40 My point is being that your assumptions were incorrect, yet you are not prepared to admit when you were wrong. It is about time you stop giving others lessons on how to behave and take one yourself. Until then you are just a constant irritation to me. -- Dr. Zoidberg
A41 Oh here we go..I offer the olive branch and yet you cannot understand why someone of your attitude would not be believed. Personally (although it is not site so its nothing to do with me) I blame the moderator for allowing you to continually pop around. Sorry guys lets move on to original thread -- Cyclops
A42 I can't believe how full of **** you are. You are the one that derailed this thread and now you blame me and the moderator for this? Dude I stick to my guns, you are an idiot. -- Dr. Zoidberg
Moderator's comment
You two should get a room and give other users some respect. Enough of this.
A43 Good point. Been thinking about it for a bit moderator and I gonna just take a break from your site for at least a bit, i'm spending to much time round these parts anyway hehe!! -- Cyclops
A44 to put into perspective, and now i have to be the prosecutor of reason...: no types. who can deny a dual? they have the aspects which appeal to our deepest psychology...(for an INTP male, predisposed to shame, self-evaluation, and fighting there part of the world, the eyes of an ESFP female are undeniable innocent,and free,seeing person as is...and that appeals deeply to me.. and so by correlation...i know that each type has to have there hitch which arches just as deep into the psychology). i noticed the trend is to hit on the EN(t/f)(j/p)'s...but this is useless...if they where was certainly in immature phases, and then definitely not with an appreciable dual. the worry and anxiety caused to duals of the aforementioned, is therefore not worthy..for it circumvents those of healthy practices which they exercised in any case, which bind those duals in-explicably -- sirac - not the baby - notS
A45 I think INTp. He is p. You know, there for p's are flexible and like change. That means they don't want to be commited for a longer time. Note the weak Feelings they have. They need new challenges. And their makes them well aware of when there's a potential cheat coming. And makes the whole affair into an interesting burst of actions. So INTps are the horniest. Be aware of them. They may look quiet. Absorbed into their own little world of mysteries of Analytic philosophy and musing over the fantastic ideas of Ludwig von Wittgenstein. But deep inside, they are bold seducers, who always get their job done. -- iRony
A46 I'm an ENFP and I've cheated on every girlfriend I've ever had without exception. Romance Addiction. -- ENF
A47 A46 I don't know if its immaturity, I know before someone would say - its none of my business ? But still as a dual, on a note of general advice etc, I think it would be beneficial to you to develop some moral fibre over that, move on to the new of course, but show some respect to yourself and the other party involved by not leading them into thinking that you are exclusive. -- Cyclops
A48 hmmm interesting I am an enfj, I haven't really read every post that was written here but Dr. Zoidberg, are you an enfj? becuase even thought you might think you are right you should control your language, i think Cyclops, an Istp, weather he is right or not,(becuase right and wrong is really a matter of your opinion) is being really professional and polite when expressing his view. -- ENFJ
A49 I've heard this debate before, from what I gather, an ESTP is a likely candidate. -- Anonymous
A50 I have looked into this as well and I think the ESTP wins (with SP in general ranking highest) -- Anonymous
A51 From my experience with a few ENFP's I'd say they're very likely to cheat but not from a vindictive standpoint, usually it's done in the heat of the moment and once they come to their senses they tend to feel really bad about it, ending one relationship or the other -- Anonymous
A52 ESFps are most likely to cheat... -- Anonymous
A53 I'm an ENFP. I've been cheated on - twice. I've never cheated. -- Anonymous
A54 I think this discussion is fruitless, IMO this depends more on upbringing, feeling of morality, self-discipline, by no means on type. -- Anonymous
A55 Dr. Zoidberd. Quote" Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak an remove all doubt!!. Abe Lincoln 1809-1865. -- Anonymous
A56 INTPs dont cheat.period -- Anonymous
A57 I believe that ENFP's are likely to cheat. While ENFP's have a strong moral sense, and dont like to break that code, they also get very bored with details. Also ENFP's attract girls quite easily which also plays a role on cheating. The fact that a ENFP cares about peoples feelings more then most types, does not mean they will not cheat(it goes both ways). I think that an ENFP can easily convince themselves that they are not doing anything wrong or breaking their moral code, and let their romance take control. In conclusion I would say an ENFP is likely to cheat, i dont know if they are the most likely of any type -- Anonymous
A58 P types are more likely than J types to cheat... and I'd say all of them are likely. The ones I know of doing it most are SPs, and ENTP/ENFP/INFP. I'm an ENTP and I have cheated on everyone but the INTJ that I'm currently with. Oh, and I felt no remorse. I enjoy illicit sex. -- scumbag entp
A59 When I took the quiz on this website it was a toss between ENFp and ENTp (I got ENTp), but I would think that both are inclined to stray.... -- Anonymous
A60 my dual, an ESTp, cheated on me. -- Anonymous
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