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Question #1147042926Sunday, 7-May-2006
Category: ESTp Relationship IXTx women
female "IT" types i have a strong conviction that introverted thinking types in females are rare, perhaps inexistent. i find that i naturally dont get along with girls as friends very well, and i would attribute it to the fact that as an ESTP, i dont have many "girl" types that i get along with. for instance, the types commonly found in females that i can get along with are the ESFJ. but even then, because i am a beneficiary of that type, i am easily vulnerable to their psychological attacks, hence having difficulty establishing a close friendship. as ESTP, i naturally get along well with ISTP, ISTJ and INTPs- all "IT" types. however, i dont think i know many females who are IT types. is my conviction that introverted thinking types are only characteristic in males true? if not, how do i identify female "IT" types? what are some examples of female IT types? -- Anonymous
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A56 i've noticed that female IT types can be fast to assume that other ppl are dumb and incompetent, especially if they are F types, which is not always the case. Female IT types do not fit the stereotypical ideals of feminity; this does not make them better or worse than other non-IT females, as some ppl seem to think. to the INTJ of A52 - i doubt that it's your independence that's the problem - there are plenty of attractive, independent, intelligent ppl who do have friends and successful long term relationships. I think the fact that you think being attractive and intelligent automatically means you will have friends/a boyfriend may have something to do with the situation that you're in. being competent does not equate to being a good friend. there are less-than-averagely attractive/intelligent/independent girls who are in successful long term r'ships you know, so clearly those factors aren't the be-all and end-all when it comes to rships. Or maybe you secretly WANT to be alone your whole life...? not saying that's a bad thing btw. you could join a lesbian commune (always an option ) -- an INFj
A57 Im an enfp male and ive been told im supposed to be attracted to istj and intj type women. I dont know much about personnallity types and Im not sure if ive ever even met one of these types of women. I was just wondering if what ive been told is true. Ive also been told that its extreamly rare to find a enfp male. Is that true? -- Uninformed ENFP Man
A58 Hey, yet another elusive INTP female in late 20's. -- Dash
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A59 Of course INTJ women exist... and for the record I also hate being drunk. -- intj
A60 Every time I test, with years apart, I classify as INTJ. I work in computing, no kids, was a tomboy as a girl (climbed trees and fixed bikes with boys etc), have only one female friend who shares my love of getting drunk (so not sure that sobriety and INTJ have a connection). I conflict mildly each day with my INFP female colleague who I find a touch fluffy and none-scientific in her approach to computing. By her remarks, I think she considers me loud and exuberant. Can you be I*** and also be loud, chatty, wear make-up and take an interest in fitness (I'm a scuba-diver, horse-rider and was a keen team sport player until I got too old). Reason I ask is because I don't seem to totally fit the mould and have to admit that I don't totally trust this stuff thinking it might be a bit like astrology where you can read several descriptions you could identify with (I realise the irony that an INTJ would not trust this [or any] system!!). -- Confused but seemingly confirmed INTJ
A61 I'm an INTP female, and although IT types are less common, they are definitely there. I'm living proof of this. However, we're harder to spot, and we usually fade off into the background. Considering you're an ESTP, most of us, based on bias or a bit of intellectual stereotyping, would shun you. However, IT females tend to be very observant, studious, and intelligent in appearance. They appear more as loners than anything. To really know them, you must speak to them and get inside their heads. -- Anonymous
A62 I'm either a ISTJ or ISTP. While I can act extraverted and am very driven in accomplishing my goals, I'm pretty reserved. My feeling side is definitely more suppressed. The idea that we don't exist is absolutely ridiculous - I know many IxTx's, and in women, I believe they make up about 11% of the population, so about 1 out of 9 women. This can make them hard to find in the general population (especially among all the feelers...shudders), but we are here and silently kicking your asses. -- Callie
A63 intp 4w5wing her! YeY! It is actually very likely that many described wrong as INTJ. I had to check many times to confirm that I was not p and j. int is not typical p's. -- intp Dragondancer
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