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Question #1146478123Monday, 1-May-2006
Category: ENTp
Do ENTPs tend to have problems with setting goals? -- im better
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A1 They have no problem talking about goals but fall short in setting something achievable and timely unless their backs are against the wall. When cornered, they can be quite productive and brilliant. I see ENTPs as the ones who spend 48 straight hours with no sleep completing a task they should have done a month ago, then without stress. Oh yes, they like to suck as many as they can into their self-created panics but not listen to anyone's advice. They just want an audience. -- I/O
A2 i set lots of goals for myself, but i have problems realizing them. not sure if you're like me, but i adjust too easily. it's too easy to come up wtih alternatives. sometimes yes, it can be hard to set goals when there are too many choices. try to limit yourself with a few. or better yet, give yourself some time to explore. -- an entp.
A3 Part of the issue with ENTps and ENFPs is actually that they set too many goals and energy is distributed over too many things for anyone of them to be finished successful. Together with their tendencies to procastrinate and to waste time, this might lead to not living up to their potential. -- pm (enfp)
A4 I am an ENTp, and I am absolutly horrable at doing exactly that A2, A3. To help myself avoid that, I now try to make lists of goals. I list them by importance and stick it to my mirror, so that I have to see it every morning as a reminder. Of course, sometimes I forget to update the list. It still helps alittle though. -- This Guy
A5 Defenitely. That's exactly why I enjoy having an ISTj for a business partner. He is in no way afraid to tell me to get my work done. I have an ESTj office manager who manages her boss (me). By emphasizing the importance of role differentiation, we've engendered what I believe to be a fun and efficatious business culture that keeps me and the product developers focused on strategies and ideas and the engineers focused on implementation. -- JReed
A6 I'm a 20y/o female ENTp and I have no problems seting goals. I can spend hours exploring different options and possibilities. So I would say no -- Anonymous
A7 Setting goals? Not an ENTP problem, we set lots and lots of them. Sticking to goals? Achieving goals? Hmmm, definitely some issues there-except when an all-important deadline looms. -- Anonymous
A8 Actually, I set lots of goals for myself...I just don't achieve them. -- entp
A9 I don't have problems with setting goals. I love challenges. -- ENTp
A10 I am a goal setter too^^ and i make a list of them. -- ENTp
A11 I like to set goals, but I have problems meeting them because I tend to lose interest quickly. -- ENTP girl
A12 I'm getting much better at setting and reaching goals, but started the process in an ENTP way - by studying the various methods of setting goals, comparing the different philosophies, debating them with others... -- entp
A13 I always get excited about a gazillion ideas I have, and I honestly think they're great, but then once I start heading in some direction I end up thinking my idea was dumb, and I completely forget it. With things that I have to get done I set really short term goals, which are actually a form of procrastination. For instance if I have a paper due the next day and I have to start it. I'll set a time to start it, and as soon as that time comes along then I make myself do it. Because of this way of doing things I don't let myself start things unless it's on the hour or half hour, like if it's 1:42 I'll wait until 2:00 to start it, but then if you space of, and now it's 2:08, then you have to wait till at least 2:15. This is procrastination at it's worst. -- Anonymous
A14 >Do ENTPs tend to have problems with setting goals?< Yes. ; Subjective input; The entire world is too dynamic to provide comfort working along a line of preplanned goal achievment. It is far more beneficial and inspiring to run those "goals", along 'multichannel approaches' focused into a more loose, relaxed goal orientation. The shortcome in this reasoning is the eventual failure of reaching the goal, which of course is a quite intrinsic risk, or ultimately, when dedication persists, will maximise the outcome to a higher degree. -- entp
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