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Question #1144509561Saturday, 8-Apr-2006
Category: INTj ISTj Typing
I've taken MBTI and I got INTJ and ISTJ. However like ISTJs I'm resistant to change nd proof oriented. Like INTJs I'm very intellectual and logic oriented. I dont like theories unless it is proven to have evidence (For instance global warming theory). Who do you think I resemble more. I'm sure i'm an INTJ. -- Jason Barth
Your Answers: 1+
A1 From very little description offered you resemble an ISTj very much. -- Dr. Zoidberg
A2 You're . -- Kraus the ESTp
A3 Well hers the next clue. If I'm an ISTJ, Which I'm surely are. I don't go for alot of traditions like parties, schools, or etc. I'm definately not an ESTP since I am always on time. How can you prove me to be more like an ISTJ? Surely takeing the enneagram test I got 5w4. I am a vey introverted person. I like to go by facts. I'm extremely emotionally detached and impartial, and I prefer orginization. -- Jason Barth
A4 It's not uncommon to have ISTJ's test out as a 5w4 wing. In fact all introverted thinking types parallel with type 5 on Enneagram though some ISTJ's test out as types 1,3,6, and 8. Overall by your description you sound like a type 5 to me. -- Dave
A5 An INTJ duals with a guardian, also, and would arrange their own life in the Provider Guardian mannor which would make the INTJ appear somewhat conservative. -- Tracy
A6 The principal difference between an ISTJ and an INTJ is degree of imagination. ISTJs formulate ideas from factual data, prefer to use traditional methods, and respect authority. INTJs formulate ideas from their own imaginations, march to their own drummer, and are indifferent to authority. Both types share characteristic confidence in the correctness of their own points of view, which makes for an interesting dynamic between the two if they happen to hold contrary convictions on a given question. As to deciding whether you are INTJ or ISTJ, that's something you have to figure out for yourself. However, it is supposedly true that struggling with the S/N dilemma, as you are, is more common to INTJs than to ISTJs. -- Anonymous
A7 My brother is an intj, I was sure of this after I read a discription of how they do projects. Eg. If an intj is asked to build a chair for a person, by the time they are done the chair will be able to hold an Elephant. I don't know if I know any istj, so I can't help there. -- D
A8 I apologise for my simplicity, but to me, if, as you say, you like to go by the facts, you are clearly an ISTJ. As I understand it, INTJs see issues almost like inseperable wholes, whereas ISTJs see issues as a collection of facts. To me, this alone is enough to decide on your dilema. But then again, people are never simple, right? -- Ben - an ENTP who sometimes thinks he knows everything
A9 uh I share the very same issue. Oftentimes I feel the s and n inside me fight with each other. I love traditional stuff, but I also like to challenge their concepts and play tricks with their believes. I guess you and I can have two personality code to describe our awesomeness! jks.:P -- in the same boat
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A10 You don't sound like an INTj. I wouldn't expect an ISTj to post like you did. Maybe you are some other type. Maybe you should try again. -- only you.
A11 A lot of people think they're INTj when they're really not because INTjs are kind of the stereotypical introverts. It is possible to be logical and intellectual without being an INTj. I'd guess you're a ISTj, but I don't know, you could really be anything. -- ISFj lady
A12 Based on the writings of the original poster in this question thread, this person is obviously not both logical AND conceptually intuitive. -- Anonymous
A13 *resistant to change *proof oriented *don't like theories. you are so ISTJ. i'm INTJ and you sound completely sensing to me. -- elizabeth
*Please note that the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of*
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