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Question #1140878369Saturday, 25-Feb-2006
Category: ESFp ESFj Typing
I'm a male INTp and was wondering how to tell the difference between female ESFp and ESFj, mainly because ESFp is supposedly my 'dual' and ESFj is my 'conflict'. I think I can spot dominant functions in most people of both sexes, even telling the difference between ENFj and ESFj, but I do have a problem telling the difference between ESxp and ESFj. I'm guessing ESxp would have a rather 'earthy' sense of humour, be pretty highly sexed and not think twice about being rude or offensive to people they don't like, whereas ESFj wouldn't, unless they found someone REALLY annoying and would be more likely to blank them or bitch about them behind their back than actually confront them. -- Matt the raver
Your Answers: 1+ 17+
A17 I'll give you an idea of what female ESFj's are like - "If you don't go to my church you will burn in hell." Female ESFp's are the life of the party. Most tend to be irresponsible. I seen my ESFp friend on the phone crying, so I went up and hugged her and let her continue her conversation, then she apologized to me for "being a bitch". This seems to be her worst fear, is that people will dislike her. -- INFp
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A18 To some extent it depends on the strength of your NT. As a strong INT weaker P, I actually adore ESFP's, they add behaviours that I can't get. However I did marry and ESFJ, and frankly the SJ provide me with problems. In end the difference is the degree of analness, structure and irrationality that the ESFJ exhibits, especially when challenged about expressed thoughts and actions. The ESFP will often provide an more "whatever" response. ESFJ decisions are based on sensory input, whether that input is realistic, factually correct or not, and let's face it the INTP will challenge. The FJ then takes any comment very personally, and human response to identity challenge is invariably defensive. Attack tiger -- Anonymous
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