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Question #1130179532Monday, 24-Oct-2005
Category: INTp ENTp E/I Typing
Is there a way to differentiate explicitly between ENTP and INTP? I've read some type descriptions already and I still cannot decide between them... it seems I match to both of the types but in different situations and moods. Thanks -- Ilya
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A25 Oh I've been going through a lot of this. I think that there are too many types (an extra 4) and that a 12 type model would be more fitting. Why? I dunno, 12 is a common recurring theme. You'll see this in another question post by me. I tested as an INTJ (MBTI), found out I was an INTp(here), but was actually a "Shy" ENTp all along with a slight ENTj attitude occasionally. I was sure the Type Assistant (The long one) was wrong and I started skewing results(It said I was an ENTp but I was sure I wanted to be an INTp). However, are any of them really that different? ENTjs I've known are worlds apart from the INTj/INTp, while I seem to be a happy middle, bare miss from all 3 of them. A lot of the problem stems from the descriptions. INTp/INTj have very nice descriptions, while ENTps are painted as goofy and borderline insane (We are, but it doesn't help at all). So in order to find out what you are, figure out what you aren't using the following facetiously written descriptions of INTj/INTp. Think of an INTj as Moe Sizlack from the Simpsons. He's a loser, and will always be a loser, he never chases any opportunity because he always doubts his ability to do it (Ti in primary function stifling his possibilities) and is happy in his complacent bar tending job. Once in a while he gets an episode where he comes up with something that might work (Ne in creative second function) and it works out, but then fails because INTjs are losers. He's childish in his temperament and only goes out when Homer Simpsons (ENTp) drags him out. Okay I just dropped a bombshell, but before I explain it take that previous point to heart. As an ENTp I'm always the one initiating contacts with my INTj friends (they wouldn't agree to being "friends", but I don't care they don't have a choice) who always get sick of me but keep me around because I give large cash birthday presents.(A strong sign that you are NOT an INTp or INTj) Okay Homer Simpson: Inventor, constantly chasing new dreams, irresponsible (okay fine hes an ENFp or something, the point is for the sake of this argument ENTps can still identify with him while INTj/INTps will facepalm at his antics) A lot of TV is ENTps doing zany actions in an Si society. Fight Club, House, Firefly, any show about someone who breaks the boundaries in order to inject a little potential into people's miserable repetitive lives. To finish the poor analogy, INTps would be Flanders. Flanders used to be "just that religious" guy, until the show creators decided to blow his religion out of proportion. Its a trope known as Flanderization, and if you think about it, Flanders religion is always there but he never pushes it on other people. If you can tolerate ENTps (Homer Simpson) but you face palm or react with a cringe, thinking its wrong but you understand why we do it, then you're more likely an INTp. INTjs will simply never agree to our antics and will always attempt to shoot them down, UNLESS they are in trouble and are willing to risk a bit more "Out There-ness" (Ne). As for the Extroversion/Introversion, its why Socionics uses "tim" as in Extratim/Introtim. Think of it as energy flow. E's flow outwards, so they need to pour energy into their environment in order to reach stability, while I's need to have energy poured into them. Think of any show where the mother yells at her kids to get out of bed (E mother, I kids), and then conversely where the Mother might be quiet and do little and the kids "Take care of themselves" and maybe "take care of mom too" (E kids, I mother). It has no implication, but does have correlation to shyness. I was always quiet and never really talked, upon reflection all of those times were in groups of conflicting quadras (Gamma). Before you consider yourself "Introverted" recall all of your experiences and figure out who the other people were. Then if I happened to be alone with one of them they would realize that I'm actually very learned, clever, intelligent, wise, et cetera. So I answered the question of "Group or One on One" as the latter, but that isn't true. It just so happened that I grew up in a heavy Gamma/Delta proximity and was always shrunk back. INTp descriptions are also way overrated. They should not have anything about "logical blah blah blah" they should instead have "boring, snore snore snore" because I am more "logical" than any INTp I've ever met. This is because an NE does not apply logic to the current situation. We create a new situation in which our logic is in place and by contrast everyone else's logic fails. So as an INTp/INTj your logic is correct, NOW, but when you meet an ENTp your logic becomes yesterday's newspaper. Its old, moldy, shriveled and smells bad. INTps will lament the new "environment" as if they were just evicted from their home, INTjs will die protecting their precious precious home, even if it means strapping themselves to it with chains to stop the impeding demolition. INTjs will go down with the ship, INTps will cringe as the rescue chopper pulls them away, ENTps will ramp it off the iceburg to fly into space. It should be obvious that I'm an ENTp simply by my lengthy response. Why the lengthy response/how does it prove I'm an ENTp? An additional reading about NE here: The difficulty with socionics is obvious, it's still "growing", the founder only died a few years ago. We are the "early church" of socionics, the one that the Roman Empire is attempting to break, but will eventually adopt it and create a screwed up version (MBTI). Its why there's a questions section. -- Mythikh
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A26 My feeling is that all current NT descriptions only suit one quadra, generally. The other two NT descriptions remain at large. -- Anonymous
A27 I have taken the test almost fifty times and within a statistical confidence level- always come out as an ENTP. I have worked with INTP's in business and had a girl friend who is an INTP. Here goes my opinion and analysis. ENTP's are usually a little inventive than their cousin the INTP. The ENTP's want to bounce their ideas off somebody else and then get back to work The INTP's I have found are not as creative and inventive in creating something. They gather all the information, stand back, somewhat more in an introspective way, keep their opinions to themselves and often do not want fight back, argue, or complete things. I think they can work alone for longer amounts of time than an ENTP. ENTP's can be creative in whatever they do. So can some INTP's. INTP's make better scientists than ENTP's. -- Bob
A28 The interesting thing about ENTPs is their NTP seems to act in such a way that they it's possible for them to act counter to their E typing. The abstracting-thinking-considering part of the ENTP, allows them to come up with ideas and entertain themselves perfectly well on their own, despite being naturally extroverts. From what I've heard, I'm pretty certain you are an ENTP. I am an INTP who can be quite excited and expressive in the right circumstances. When interacting with others who share my interests or are making the effort to include me and understand me, it makes me very happy, and allows me to feel comfortable enough to seem almost extroverted. But while an INTP will geek out happily and enthusiastically in front of someone who they know shares their interests and will understand, often they wouldn't be nearly as expressive talking about their interests around someone they know has no interest, it will quench their displays almost entirely. INTPs are also fundamentally Is. They love to talk about what they are thinking about, and the things that interest them and it makes them very animated and happy, but when it comes down to it, we feel very tired afterwards. happy, but tired, and we need our time to ourselves. I believe you would definitely know if you were an INTP. ENTPs like their time along just fine, unlike most Es, since it's really the best way for them to do a lot of their thinking, but they can easily switch into extroversion mode. ENTPs and INTPs do share a lot of similarities, to the point that I would almost call ENTPs 'INTP lite'. ENTPs are just way better able to function in group situations than INTPs, as they are much more likely to obsess and make their thoughts their entire world. ENTPs love and enjoy their thoughts and thinking, but that's not all there is to them. For them their world would really be missing something, though they might not even be sure what it was, with ideas alone. -- An INTP female
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