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Question #1129156024Wednesday, 12-Oct-2005
Category: Typing Celebrities
Hey I am curious what type you think George Michael is. My friend who is INFP says that he's also an INFP. We are curious what you think? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Could he be an ISFp? He looks more S than N. -- Eric Cartman
Moderator's comment
To make your answer more interesting to readers it might be good to explain exactly why you think he is more S than N.
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A2 I'm gonna say something real wack and pertaining to broader issue of personalities. I think hes a special class that holds the bridge between both, I believe a person could master psychological variations to point of a blend, born into an S proximed to an N. I guess im trying to say he could be ISFP by defualt but progressed into INFP and no longer belongs to same family? Could that be possible? Im going way overboard but I wanna know arent we advanced enought not to just swing from branches of our own type but to actually swing into other trees(types). Convert, transmute? Could he be a good example of that? Doesn't his lifestyle suggest that? -- Anonymous
A3 George Michael looks like an INTj - possibly the intuitive subtype. -- Anonymous
A4 According to SG's VI I was thinking that George Michael could be an INTp - ? Watching an interview would uncover whether he is an INTp or not quickly, I would think, I will get to that when I find time and think of it. -- econdude
A5 A lot of song writers are INFps so it wouldn't surprise me too much. -- Anonymous
A6 ISFP most likely. He naturally projects more of the outwardly sensual aesthetic than an intuitive can. -- Anonymous
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