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Question #1126120148Wednesday, 7-Sep-2005
Category: Visual Identification
Socionics has helped me to type people by giving a simple yet extremely effective way to separate "S" from "N": round versus long faces. Is there a similar way to separate the other preferences visually, particularly "E" versus "I"? Thank you! -- econdude
Your Answers: 1+
A1 I am not sure that there is a quick visual means of distinguishing between Introverts and Extroverts. Some introverts may appear "extroverted," and vice versa. Aside from getting to know the person and getting a feel for their personality, it may be difficult to know if the person is I or E. I believe careful observation, correlating their behavior with that of typical I/E behavior may be the best way to go. But hey, some really intuitive people may just "know" from the get go. It all depends... Another thing, remember that in VI there may always be an exception to the rule. I believe I've known some round-faced Intuitives, for example. -- discojoe - ENTp
A2 Although there is some kind of correlation between roundness/longness of the face and S/N, there are plenty of cases when this relation doesn't work. Please keep this in mind. -- Admin
A3 Whaaaaat? I'm a strong Intuitive and I have a pretty round face. That sounds like a very weak method for determining someone's type. . . -- Anonymous
A4 same here. i have a round face but i always score highest on my N. i am an ENTP. i think the alertness in one's eyes determine if one's an S or an N. Ns tend to have this spaced out look in their eyes. that's based on my observation alone, though -- sylvia
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A5 I agree with A3. This website has stated that it is possible to type someone by their looks but provided no concrete evidence of it. I happen to also know some round-faced intuitive types. I strongly dispute the idea that it is possible to determine someone's personality type simply by looking at them. -- -Nat (ISFp)
A6 A5 - serious mainstream psychology types scoff at socionics as "pop psychology" but the test is not how well-developed the theory is but whether or not it works (and it does). By the way, I asked the question about forever ago, I still believe there is a correlation in round versus long but I have moved along the learning curve since then. -- econdude
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