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Question #1123086270Wednesday, 3-Aug-2005
Category: Theory E/I
I saw the results of a survey on the web that suggested 50% of the population is extraverted and 50% is introverted (I assume this means the world population, please consider any general population of people for the purposes of my question). The standard number is 75% extraverted/25% introverted. The 75%/25% number was derived a long time ago so I wondered if Socionics has made an attempt to determine what percentage of people are introverted vs. extraverted. And for that matter, N vs. S, T vs. F, j vs. p. -- econdude
Your Answers: 1+
A1 I've also heard, at least over here in the states, that extroverts outnumber introverts 3:1. Also, i'm pretty sure we're an estj dominant society. -- jb
A2 Be wary of percentile figures. Especially dealing with something as young as factorized personality groupings and types, and definitely if a normed broad-based (10 of thousands of random samples) research study isn't presenting it. Even with the best tests, people will mistype, or the tests will not fully test everything. -- rse
A3 Response to last answer: I agree, well, 100%. That's why I wondered if Socionics could answer the question (someone can answer incorrectly on a personality survey but can always be read as E or I by an expert in Socionics). I hope Socionics can reveal the answer someday if it already has not... -- econdude
A4 Remember that the Socionics definitions of introversion and extroversion are much different than the Myers-Briggs one. For example, I know many people that act introverted in definition of MBTI, but are Socionics extroverts. This applies vice-versa too. -- Herzblut - ESTp
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A5 There are way more extroverts than introverts. We are covered in an idiotic ESTJ society. INTP hell. WHere are all the smart people at you mindless partyer? -- Anonymous
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