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Question #1122352116Tuesday, 26-Jul-2005
Category: Hidden Agenda
I was wondering if you could give me a better explanation of the hidden agenda of the ESFP/ENFP. I don't really understand it. To know what? -- harry
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A1 It's sort of like this, you'll be in a much better mood while taking a test if you study first, right? You'll feel a lot more confident in what you're doing because you'll feel like you know the answers and will be confident in your knowledge. ENFPs and ESFPs are like that to the extreme, they love showing off their knowledge and they like people who seem knowledgable, mainly because they're always really unsure about what they actually know. They also like to "know" a lot of people, which is one reason they go around being so friendly to everyone. Who knows who and who knows what are also popular topics among them. They also ask themselves questions like "does he know I did this?" "I wonder if she ever knew," so its fun to mess with them and pretend you don't know something when you actually do. P.S. Will Ferrell (an ESFP) in Anchorman: the Legend of Ron Burgundy is a great example of this. Ron Burgundy shares facts with the love interest to try to impress her and look smart, but in the end looks stupid because his facts are all wrong. He wins her over anyway with his charm, though, because he's an ESFP and that's what ESFPs do. Also ESFPs especially never know if they've done enough to reach a goal, so they appreciate when people tell them they've crossed the line. -- Woodrow
A2 maybe will ferrell plays esfp in anchorman but he ain't esfp. enfj perhaps. -- d^_^b
A3 The agenda of the ESFP and ENFP is to make the world revolve around themselves. The ESFP, at least though, cares a little bit about improving moral, delicately. Whereas with an ENFP moral is dictated. -- Tracy ENFJ
A4 It is very interesting to see people make blanket judgements, or heuristics, about sociotypes. If the agenda of the ESFp and ENFp is to make the world revolve around themselves, this particular ENFj's agenda is to spread codswallop that only serves to confuse people and distance them from further understanding. -- Anonymous
A5 Please bear in mind that the poster is seeking explanations on the *socionics* hidden agenda of ESFp and ENFp, which is "to know". -- Anonymous
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