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Question #1122235659Sunday, 24-Jul-2005
Category: Theory Duality
Given the nature of the hidden agenda of the ISTp, how would they get along with their dual? Does the ENFp have some sort of masochistic need to be dealt with selfishly or denied affection? -- Anonymous
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A1 The "uncovered" profiles deliberately contain the worst scenario in order to underline certain points. But in general, ISTps have difficulty maintaining the consistency of their feelings towards something or someone, due to the unsteady nature of the hidden agenda. ENFp with their Fi as creative realisation are very changeable in their feelings, today they love you, tomorrow they hate you, three days later they don't know you, a week after you are the best friend again. This is perhaps quite enough to satisfy ISTp's hidden agenda requirements, as they can't really grasp or get bored of this ENFp behaviour. It is quite difficult to rationalise the hidden agenda. Imagine a woman during her monthly periods. The hidden agenda is basically where the logic stops. -- Admin
A2 Hm, so on the one hand the hidden agenda is a need to show affection to others, yet istp's tend to not like physical touch or anyone getting inside their emotional sphere. Doesn't this mean that an istp might show affection, but as soon as it was returned, the istp would back away and 'freeze'? (i use freeze because thats how it seems to me) -- Anony
A3 I don't know that I agree Admin's assessment of the hidden agenda as being "where the logic stops." After all what of those types whose hidden agenda is logic? In my opinion ISTp's have gotten a lot of bad press. Taciturn does not equal psychopath. Also I am married to an ENFp and do not find her feelings to be as variable as was described above either. More fundamentally, I believe, the Hidden Agenda is that part of one's personality about which one most desires to say, "Look, ma. No hands!" That is where one wishes to be the master (mistress) of the universe, but where one's abilities are not as mature as are one's ego functions. From a mechanistic point of view, the Hidden Agenda is a need (to condense it to a single manifestation is a decomposition error it seems to me). An ISTp's need is . ENFp's creative function is likewise . Thus ENFp is best suited to fulfilling ISTp's need for . Whether one characterizes that need in positive or negative terms is a matter of perspective ... not all ISTp's are ego-maniacal automatons, nor are all ENFp's fickle masochists. -- Anonymous
A4 ISTp are normally excellent at finding practical solutions to day-to-day technical problems while ENFp can detect and head-off most social problems and put a positive spin on most relationship issues; hence, they cover each other’s weakness. Also, the ENFp likes to know about the practical solutions and in return, shows the ISTp the good in people, making it easier for him or her to love. They also appreciate each other’s layback noncommittal nature, and understand and support each other’s tendency to procrastinate. -- I/O
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A5 And she needs erotic pleasurable perverse sex too. And you better believe she gives it back in return. But most men think they can get all the kinky sex without giving any affection. -- Anonymous
A6 ISTP have no hidden agenda other than getting money or sex or starting a fight or taking a risk. INTJs, however have an agenda for ENFP, All Js, have a controlling agenda. Its part of their nature. Vanice -- Anonymous
A7 No No No, ENFP does not need to be denied affection and if she is for too long, she will probably go elsewhere. ENFP needs affection, intellectual and psychological and social companionship and money and nurturance and she usually gives it too. V -- Anonymous
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