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Question #1121539843Saturday, 16-Jul-2005
Category: Theory Typing IQ
What is the correlation between IQ and psychological type? If there is such a correlation, this would entail that smarter people can be identified based off appearance. Clarification please. -- Jonah Feldman
Your Answers: 1+ 12+ 25+ 44+
A44 Quote from A28: "The only area that an S may score higher on would be the vocabulary or rote memory section. Putting blocks together to make a picture is conceptual and analytical, expressing similarities between dissimilar items is abstract and intuitive." My response: or, putting blocks together can involve the ability to remember details ... also, detailed analysis can reveal the similarities between dissimilar items. In school, I (ISTp) maxed out the tests on spatial reasoning (and statistical, girls don't test as high as boys, either!). And in general, I have always been a "good" test-taker because I can figure out the system by which the questions and answers have been assembled. So, I never trust the scores I receive, because really all they tell is how well I deciphered the test, not how smart I "am". (I also can't resist mentioning that I really enjoyed reading A10 - who's a fellow ISTp! ) -- i
A45 Well, my parents made me get educational testing in highschool and they said my iq was 147. I'm an ENTp...I don't think psychological type has a lot to do with intelligence though. Anyways, there are forms of intelligence that can't be measured by an iq test. -- ENTp
A46 Interesting question, haven't read through all the answers but lots of them, but erm like I say I didn't read them all but don't think there was a conclusion? (or was there?) My IQ strongest point is numbers followed by spatial then words. As a note of interest (at least to me ), something found in people with higher IQ's is that their brains use less energy than those of average intelligence (its sort of like fuel consumption efficiency in a well tuned car engine) One possible reason for this is that there are more or better neuron connections between dendrites. These better connections means that people with them can think faster-so therefore the more complex problems you can solve (ie if you take too long to think you will have forgotten the first part of your solution and have to start again- hence the unflatering term of refering to someone as 'slow') In saying all that, it makes me realise its been a while since i've sat an IQ test so I wonder if all the beers i've had from time to time has had some sort of negative affect (I finish off this post leaving myself over a barrell !) -- Cyclops
A47 Lol cyclops! -- chrissyc
A48 A meta-observation: I've heard people claim that type is nothing but a manifestation IQ and others claim that IQ is nothing but the veneration of certain types. My opinion: There are many patterns about people that can be empirically percieved and that hold some truth; however, people choose to believe the one that supports the moral spin they prefer! -- Barbara Saunders
A49 When you pay close attention to parts of the brain used for specific functioning, and you exercise the useful majority of these region-specific functions by engaging all types of problem solving, you begin to develop the most useful traits of multiple brain types. Leading you to transcend any one specific type, you would use most often, with a gradually increasing IQ. As a member of the top 1% of IQ scores, I believe it comes not by means of your natural ways of thinking, reasoning, and functioning. In fact, I am compelled to believe it will always come by means of utilizing the most appropriate tools(in your brain) in the most appropriate problem-specific fashion, and being able to walk away with a solution for almost any predicament you encounter. -- Anonymous
A50 I don't know but I'm an INFj and I am on the 50th percentile. So I don't think IQ has got to do with intuition or thinking. -- Jd
A51 IQ definetely is not related to socionics type. The INTj scores higher, because they keep their minds clear, bodies healtly and thought process under control. This is what makes them more clever. The proper balance of the psyche, the maintance of the whole nervous system, body chemistry and so on are the keys. IQ is a good factor in measuring general performance of the mind. One can do test to check himself if he should stop drinking / smoking / chatting on forum, because his IQ is collapsing -- :-)
A52 well someone can have an IQ of 199 and still be a douchebag. And someone can have an IQ of 50 and still be an okay person. Whatever someone gets on a test doesn't define what they're like or how much potential they have, you can't measure or define people through tests and put them into categories. If someone scores higher than another on an IQ test, it could be that they're more used to solving theretical problems in their heads. While another is more used to practical realistic problems. So i don't see why high "IQ" should be type related since every type can adapt to their enviroment and therefore be more or less skilled at IQ tests. -- Anonymous
A53 A10: I would not agree with that. I know many very inteligent not thinking types, like ISFp with IQ>150 and ENFj with IQ>160. What makes you thinking that IQ tests were designed to compansate INTp's lack of self-confidence? Why do you consider what is better, j or p while both are the same? Why introverts would score better on IQ tests? What might prevents you from scoring high IQ might be lack of excersice, lack of good food or lack of rest, this is what INTj's dont forget about (mostly) and that's why they score highest. -- :-)
A54 A49: This would confirm the theory, that most stupid are using only one part of the brain It seems rational that specific parts of the brain should be used for solving specific problems. Confusion of those or overuse of one of them would not "moderate" your thought process enough. I agree also with the statement that one would be able to walk away with solution for every predicament he encouters, what would mean that clever human can respond to every situation in appropriate way, using appropriate part of brain, heh. -- :-)
A55 While reading this interesting thread I can't believe so many people thinks that the IQ tests are amiled at thinking and intuition. I believe psychological functions have nothing to do with IQ performance. I can see the difference between myself and others of the same type, the one more clever and the ones less. The less clever are the slow ones, who can not guess solution immediately and after long time they come up with something silly. The more clever are using more "internal" resources and they can reason to the point they have solution when I am completely confused and they providing answer quickly. Thus, I believe the IQ is the speed how fast you can came up with solution, which is really complex thing, because it requires percieving, understanding, calculating, and creating some kind of sequence of actions to reach the goal. -- :-)
A56 most IQ test questions require pattern recognition and logical deduction. Intuition by definition is the perception of patterns. So i chance to think that NT types tend to perform better, ON AVERAGE, but that doesn't mean that other types will always perform less, since non-NT types can have quite well-developed iNtuition and logic (facet of T), in some cases, better than some NT's. But the best way to answer this question is to look at the statistical correlations. Anyone have that info handy? -- S
A57 What people taught me is that IQ is like the learning speed. The people who score high learn much faster than average scorers. But some people have passion for learning, and may learn as fast as high IQ scorers, beacuse they put a lot of interest on it. But those do lot more of effort. -- Jd
A58 Every type test I've ever taken consistently yields a very high intuition result above all else. Thinking and Feeling results vary. Regardless of type, I do think intuition is a key factor, for herein is one's foundational capacity for conceptual reasoning. I score over 150 on the few professional IQ tests I've taken. Not sure how high beyond, because I never took one which delineated beyond that mark. I also score in the 99th percentile for numerical and perceptual reasoning tests, which are fundamentally conceptual pattern discernment and prediction. There's intuition at work. -- Anonymous
A59 A58: Yes, because you are INTp, that's why you are so clever. That's why you are better than others. You dont have only genius mind, you have also genius personality! -- :-)
A60 A58, if you're so intelligent maybe you can explain how S types also score such high IQ results? Conclusion: it's not "intuition at work". -- Anonymous
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A61 i think personalities are related to iq scores,or maybe just inteligence it self. I never saw an actual bright person with an ESFJ personality. Even the physical features that indicates naturally smart people resemblance to descriptions of NJ's, TP's, (i'm for one a big believer on physiognomy). close set eyes (SJ's) wouldn't be labeled as smart when we see them pass by. but the reality was everyone could get a high score in iq test, no matter what type you are. as long as you study(if the questions is more related to factual questioning) spatial, abstract thinking, also can be learn by the proper book (i have a friend that was an ISFP whose studied her ass before her iq test) it does depends on the individuals, but a natural intellectual people does have certain behaviors that's define by the mbti as in INTJ's, INTP's, INFJ's, ENTP's, all the N's. from my opinion -- Anonymous
A62 Ah, me and my supposedly-top-quarter-percent IQ. We don't get along so well, really. I swear, it's way lower than it was tested, I spend way too much time feeling like a retard. I do like to notate it in binary every now and again, since it appears to be over ten million when notated this way, which I find particularly amusing. -- Anonymous
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