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Question #1103069583Wednesday, 15-Dec-2004
Category: Typing Theory
Let me see, I took the Keirsey temperament sorter when it was free on the internet. I came out with the Artisan, composer personality, the ISFP. Under the Socionics model, I am an ISTP. Is this right? I was wondering how I could be the feeling type when I think so much, then it was really bothering me about what type I was, like in your example. Another thing, I always seem to meet bossy men, but I can't stand being told what to do. Just one more question, What do you think of Horoscope types corresponding to Socionics types? -- Lisa
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A1 Simply thinking "too much" does not immediately point to the Thinking type. However, what you are thinking "about" could have some relevance; If bossy men you want NOT, then perhaps you are sending out mixed signals; Although astrology is widely misunderstood, with proper handling it can describe a large part of one's personality. Astrological types have no direct correlation with the types in Socionics. -- Admin
A2 In my experience, the differences between T and F types isn't always as black-and-white as how they are in the profiles. Some people fit the profiles to a tee; others are more in between. One thing that's quite common is for F types to in fact use "T" reasoning quite a lot. In fact, it's part of the growing up process to be able to use all parts of one's mind. To see if you're more ISFP or ISTP, I'd focus on looking at what's important to you, and also the profiles. Being good at both F and T sorts of things doesn't negate the fact that maybe one is more important to you than the other. -- Jonathan
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