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Question #1103062569Tuesday, 14-Dec-2004
Category: ADD/ADHD Theory
Is there any connection between the so-called disease of ADHD and certain socionic types? -- Anonymous
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A14 Howzy JReed. Everything else, epitomized by what Patrick said is correct. I am going to choose to beleive you.. It fits in with a theory i hold, that all 'metal diseases', lets just say ADHD in this case, is caused by cognition (in law.. cognitive changes..brain chemical changes, and eventually in that state medication helps). When i take over the world, it will be the SJs put in institutions, and made to go along ..what else can i say my sentiment is?..when one's life is threatened (and they do that by excluding NPs), there is a feeling that the tables should be turned (lets just hope somebody saves both our asses SJ and NP, so no escalation persists). Patrick seems to feel asif the 'personality position' is threatened by even the mere contextual listing of your concern, and the Zoidberg effect is plausible,.. afterall JReed, we are people of law, i could easily see all socionics types affected by this. But i stick to your concern, for it is true to law... cognitively we seek more faster, and in such a way afford to suspend ourselves unintentionally in modes described by Patrick, where we are unmovable. JReed, u say, a personality effect MORE... u are right, Patrick is also right, by virtue of his being in a comfortable mentology state... standing back, measuring and standardizing for himself, but certainly u are right.. a person needs to actively interfer in there own mentology, stop reverse or practise not to be subverted. I 'feel' that the solution is in-hand to us, but i can't express it as yet, it comes with focus and time, time in which we 'view' ourselves. Lets hope we have better control in the future -- @sirac
A15 ENTP and ADD here. I think there's a correlation. It's a different way of processing information. -- --jess
A16 ENTp here. I am in college and I take amphetamine salts for my ADHD. I see something here. Why does everyone hate on the medications? I do hate being on my medicine, but I wouldn't get through school without it. It is truly a savior for me. -- brenton
A17 Me too, I have ADD and I hear the nonstop bulls*** when it comes to medication. I have to take it, or there is Hell to pay. There's been a study and it turns out that telling a person with ADD that medication is bad for them and that ADD doesn't exist, doesn't help at all. It's been an uphill battle. I am an ENTP. -- DustBunny
A18 I always type INFp on this site. As a kid I had trouble in first years of school, because I "always had my head somewhere", "tried distracing other kids" and remember I was very impatient and often agitated, frankly an annoying little monster to the teachers. Was this ADHD? The teachers said yes, but thinking back today I know I always tried to find out what their instructions meant, because I couldn't follow so easily what they wanted me to do. Of course I turned around and asked the next much smarter kid, wouldn't you? Someone I know was always walking around in class, but not because he was ADHD, but because he was myopic/nearsighted. Strange that the teachers misjudged his efforts to accommodate to the situation as being rebellious and possibly suffering from ADHD. These are two examples I know where ppl with no clue about ADHD are carelessly misjudging children to be ADHD instead of learning what their needs are or how to cope with them on a more constructive basis. -- Anonymous
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A19 Oh I forgot to say, the shortsight guy I know is ESTP. -- Anonymous
A20 I'm an ENFp and I seriusly do have attention and short-term memory issues. -- Anonymous
A21 A13 i tottaly agree with you having add myself. allthough i have to say its beautiful when you can and do focus on thigns of interest it feels like you could do it forever -- Anonymous
A22 A1-The "attention part of "Attention deficit disorder" refers to a lack of attentive skills (the inability to maintain focus) on the part of the sufferer. It has nothing to do with a lack of attention on the part person's parents. It sounds good in theory and its a commonly held misconception, but the actual reason for the relatively new name applied (1990)to that particular symptom set is the inability of the patient to maintain focus. No offense meant, you're simply mistaken. ADHD is being linked most recently to a particular dopamine receptor (D4). Its also linked to additives and preservatives in food. Its ALSO linked to the development patterns of the cortex of the brain. It is most definitely a very organic disorder. There are real measurable differences not only in the behaviour, but also in the physical composition of the brain of a sufferer. There is variety of factors that contribute to the presence and intensity of ADHD in a person, and personality type shouldn't be ruled out as one of them. On the other side of the coin, I feel that it would be a mistake to believe that ADHD is limited to only a few personality types. I also feel its important when deciding to diagnose or treat psychological disorders that one's personality type be taken into careful consideration. Each personality type will respond to different therapies differently no matter what the disorder may be. Each personality type comes with its own strengths and weaknesses, and being able to tailor therapies based on those characteristics will be vital to obtaining relief faster and living a happy balanced life sooner. -- Kimberly
A23 I'm ENTp with ADHD, I would have to say there are varying degrees of ADD/ADHD, and I would be considered to have a moderate to severe case. I think people seem to have a misunderstanding of thinking its always bad and everyone who is diagnosed is mentally challenged. This is not the case, and there are many gifted and above average intelligent (genius) people who are ADHD. We may not have the attention span on subjects we consider boring, but on our interested subjects we become hyperfocused (sometimes consumed by the interest) beyond that of the average person. The best way I can describe it is: "its like having multiple threads of thought constantly streaming ideas, imaginations, and other possibilities of the understanding of that interest flowing in your head. You become so absorbed in thinking, nothing else seems to matter until you've completely exhausted and mastered every angle of the subject. Then at which point the subject/interest has lost its luster and you move on." This is the vicious cycle of my life, and how my world revolves. I'm always seeking knowledge for the interest/subject of the week, and tend to absorb that information very quickly. Many people diagnosed with ADHD are the "Jack of all trades" they tend to be talented in many fields. So this leads me to point out that a lot of us don't feel we have a disorder, we just process information and learn differently then the so called normal people. Here is a good forum for ADHD/ADD info and support. -- Anonymous
A24 I like A6, and A13 you made me think of something. Think of a scale where one side is ability to intensely concentrate, and the other is consistency in concentration. ADD people are able to very intensly concentrate for short periods of time. They have more focus "power" than focus "stamina". On the other hand, people that are the op. of ADD are reverse, having more stamina than power. I personally don't believe ADD is a problem, unless someone personally comes forward and says "I have trouble focusing and I need help". Much like depression has to be self realized before it is treated. I think there is a natural tendency for some people to be more ADD, to switch focus more, to think of alternatives, rather than to follow a similar path. This is ok IMO, I think the real issue is that humans have trouble accepting each other for who they are. When people see ADDs ability to switch it's focus, why don't they think the problem might be with their inability to switch focus and reliance on the tried and true? Probably because they are focusing and don't get this perspective. Unfortunately, it is hard for a kid to realize this, so it is up to all of us to make sure we give kids the help they want and need, not the help we think they need. -- Anonymous
A25 My ESFp friend is just certain that she has ADD. I personally think that it's just her personality and she shouldn't medicate herself, but she is just determined. She thinks medication will help her do better in school. I told her that I think the reason she can't get everything done in time is because of her social "obligations." I told her that she needs to turn studying into a group thing and get some people who will focus on the task at hand and not talk about things other than biochemistry or whatever. She's naturally so sociable and friendly. She has trouble focusing, and has a very bubbly personality. Once I was showing her Socionics things online (which she is very interested in as a psychology major) and she started swatting at a gnat that was flying in front of the monitor. I was slightly annoyed because she was no longer involved in what we were doing but in eliminating the "distraction" which I easily dismissed and ignored. Still, ADD? I think people jump to conclusions. It is one of the most misdiagnosed things ever. -- Anonymous
A26 I'm an ENTP, and I have many problematic symptoms of ADHD-especially impulsiveness. -- Angie
A27 ENTp's are notorious for being diagnosed with ADD the same way the world is diagnosed with global warming. It's there, it's measurable, steps can be taken to alter/survive it, but it's blown out of proportion in an attempt to make money off the ignorant masses. The following article nicely summarizes the findings of an Athletics researcher and his study of ENTp athletes. -- ENTp
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