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Question #1103062311Tuesday, 14-Dec-2004
Category: Theory Drugs
Is it possible for you to be just like another type while you're under the influence of drugs? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+ 17+
A17 If you can find drugs without other side affects on the mind then perhaps you can perceive the world through the lens of another type, because as it stands, if you think taking LSD for instance makes you an ISTp (or some other type) then you gotta be fooling yourself. Because maybe you can be like an ISTp who is out their head on drugs, (or if it's hypnosis then an ISTp who is in a trance) but not like an ISTp who sees the world with a clear head and is sober. Am I right? If not, why not? -- diamonds are Ni
A18 Everytime I get high,there is a part of my personality that comes alive.I`m more aware and observant,usually don`t speak a lot,but when asked something give an abstract answer.Like I become more than myself.I am not addicted on anything and don`t reccomend any person with an addictive personality to start doing drugs,especially opiates. -- explorer intj
A19 laughter does the same too. -- Anonymous
A20 thats because drugs in your brain creates the same effect natural endorphins does and increases activity in your brain temporarily. your brain tries extremely hard to balance out foreign chemicals by producing chemicals that cancel out the effect. it suppresses natural endorphins (that makes you aware, observant and alive) and continues to make those balancing chemicals even in the absence of the drug; this is called withdrawal. endorphins are the things in pain killers as well but are in a appropriate dose that doesn't make you want to kill yourself later and are produced naturally when you work out which explains why people often feel better after a work out. my friend works in a disability services center and faces the daily horrors those individuals face whose brains and a lot of their insides were eaten up literally by heroin or meth etc in the past. All I gots to say is go ahead and enjoy the intense rush or high but pray that you're lucky enough to die in the next ten years because that rush comes with a heavy cost. If that option doesn't work for you, try working out and getting as much sunlight exposure as you can. Sunlight exposure increases endorphin levels as well, healthily. -- Anonymous
A21 PS - So basically Opium has to stay banned forever. Atleast until our brains don't evolve so that the 'brain wall' that regulates what gets into the brian no longer allows things like opium getting into the brain. Good thing we have evolved so that unhealthy things are not appetizing (its the body's way to keep up safe from poisonous food by making it bitter or plain unappealing) to us, otherwise the government would have to ban poison and things that can make us sick and deteriorate our intestines or something because we'd go ahead and try that too! The government is filled with people who care about their families and friends and would NOT want them to try dangerous things like opium.. I know I certainly would NOT be okay with my relatives - especially young ones even touching that stuff, ever. And young people (0 - 25 years old, btw random fact - the human brain is not developed fully until the age of 25... the tissues are still growing!) especially usually don't know or care about consequences. Like when a child is 1.5 years old they go through the stage they want to try everything, they're extremely curious. They put almost everything in their mouths.. can you imagine what liberty do them? They'd die and fall sick and get permanently damaged and once they grow up they'll blame the elders (understandably) for letting them try everything! -- enxp bartender
A22 wooop moderator's personal opinions slipped out in reply to a9 lucky the original question was kept unbiased -- thomas - entp
A23 Why aren't any of you guys just happy being what you are? I mean, the curiosity at least to try the change of type .... leave others to others and take solace in yourself. Experience life through your own lens, not the same thing through different ones, anyway my take on all this. Never wanted to be anyone but me, but I sure want to experience many things in life as me. -- Cyclops
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A24 i reckon LSD, amongst other drugs, is a relatively new invention - like a mark in evolution by this i mean think of it like when fire was discovered and people started cooking food -- Anonymous
A25 I think it is actually, although it opens up another playing field, perhaps it's possible for chemicals occuring naturally in the body to affect type as well. -- Anonymous
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