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My response to "Who agrees?"
by Econdude

I have been studying and thinking about personality types since I left grad school in 1999. I wouldn't be attempting to type celebrities and the people I interact with in my everyday life if I didn't enjoy doing so. And frankly, it's become a hopeless obsession. Maybe the cliche, "it makes a better servant than ...
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Your Comments: 1+
C1 I don't care how Danny feels about Socionics. I like it, so would someone post another of the "Uncovered" files already? -- Casey
C2 Econdude, there is no way by reading all your contributions to this site that you are an INTj, so please reconsider. ISTj looks most probable. -- catalyst
C3 If not an INTj then Econdude is most likely an INTp but not an ISTj surely. -- Dr. Zoidberg
C4 I completely agree with this article. Besides, if one is passionate about a certain subject where is the harm in studying it? -- Christine
C5 I completely agree as well. If anything is worth studying at all shouldn't it be the study/science of people? p.s. post another "uncovered"- they're great! -- Anonymous
C6 I agree, socionics is cool. -- an entp
C7 Econdude, You have truely used personality type study for the pupose it was meant for. To help us understand one another other so that we can all get along and appreciate what each type or person has to offer. How boring life would be if we all thought and acted the same. People are very interesting and each type is important to society. I have noticed that some have used the knowledge of type to feel or think they are superior to others, in my opinion they would be better off not knowing about type at all. This knowledge should pull us together so that we can accomplish great things, but as usual humans tend to have a thirst for anything that they feel gives them power over another human. Keep up the good work of helping us to see the true value of socionics. Are you sure your not an INTP? : ) -- Firstlite
C8 to C7 - I have noticed that some have used the knowledge of type to feel or think they are superior to others, in my opinion they would be better off not knowing about type at all. This knowledge should pull us together so that we can accomplish great things, but as usual humans tend to have a thirst for anything that they feel gives them power over another human. -right on firstlite. my main concern about socionics is how people suddenly see each other in a box once they know each other's types. you see it all over the Q+A and forums on this site. of course now you might say i'm presumptuous andusing the knowledge of my type to feel superior to others. -- v
C9 C8...Maybe this is a good thing, you know, seeing someone in a box rather than expecting them to fulfil one's crazy fantasies. What is worse, seeing someone in wheelchair or demanding the cripple to walk? -- Anonymous
C10 Thanks for this article, Econdude, when I read the original one I thought about writing something like this but I would never write it that concise and easy-to-read. I very much agree. I usually agree with your posts on this site, too. Which leads me to agree also with some posters of the comments here, is it possible you are an ISTp or INTp? Because I often dont understand and agree with what ITjs write. While you seem you want to express your ideas clearly and easily for everyone to understand, and that is more like Te. -- Ezis (ESFp)
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