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Socionics is better than made out to be by some of you
by Ryan(LII)

Some of you, I've noticed, are really bad at typing people, and this would conclude the fact of you not liking socionics, especially not seeing use for it beyond the logic. A major problem is that a lot of you regard MBTI in your socionics efforts. Trust me when I say that the dichotomies aren't the same in both ...
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C17 @C16 Yeah, that part struck me as ironic...especially when combined with the very first sentence of the article: "Some of you, I've noticed, are really bad at typing people, and this would conclude the fact of you not liking socionics..." Now, I'm no expert, mind you (I'm still rather new), but this so-called 'concluding of the fact' is a very poor assumption & jump of conclusion to make from a Ti-lead function logical standpoint. I, for one, am VERY intrigued in delving deeply into this b/c it seems to make more sense to me to define the essence of people in types in terms of how people function in life as opposed to how they appear/behave toward others. But I'm probably going to type people 'wrong' most of time because most people don't 'fit' neatly in one box...and more importantly, because I usually have a hard time getting to know people. (We're so much more than a set of functions within a socionics also continually points out.) Anyway, I'm loving socionics so far, so to say someone sees this intricate set of theories is bullshit b/c author assumes they "can't type", imo, is, in of itself, a bullshit claim. Ryan (so-called 'LII') has presented much of this article in such a way as to sound personally attacked & not coping well with criticism. That is very F-sounding; not T. ("And if that's the case, leave your opinions of it to yourself.") So, in conclusion, I'm assuming there's a VERY real possibility that Ryan has probably incorrectly typed himself-and that maybe, just maybe, there may not be QUITE so many people typing other people wrong as he seems to believe. Irony: it's funny how it works when it unintentionally 'functions' the way it's intended to. -- Soc INTj, MBTI INTP, SLOAN rcoei, Enne 5w4
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