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The Introverted Paradox
by I/O

Myers-Briggs and Socionics are both right; the former identifies what we see in the personality of others while the latter identifies more what people see sometimes in themselves.

Socionics classifies the true order of dominant functions while Myers-Briggs classifies the order of dominant observed functions. In ...
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Your Comments: 1+ 14+
C14 I have found that invariably, and with nearly every idea, there is a subjective and objective way to perceive it or define it. The subjective is more based upon perceptions as an individual, whereas the objective views from a collective whole in terms of the nuances intended. Socionics appears to be of a subjective application, with little external application, whereas MBTI is of a more objective application with little internal application. Both theories seem to observe the same coin, but they see the different sides. -- Kitsunay
C15 "In public, an IXXj and EXXp can be attracted to one another because the introvert is operating as an IXXp, and IXXp and EXXj can attract." Do you mean EXXp instead of EXXj? If not, this article confuses me. -- An INFj
C16 C15, I agree that this article is worded poorly; it should perhaps be removed although there is definitely a paradox. When forced to interact with many environments, IXXjs need to put their input online for long periods of time; from an external perspective, they seem to output little because they operate on an interrupt basis and most output would go into formulating or modifying internalized plans. Thus, the temperament can be perceived as dominated by input and mislabelled as IXXp. When forced to interact with the environment (as opposed to observing, which is their preferred state), IXXps will attempt to communicate or do something; thus, other people may view them as output oriented and mislabel the temperament as IXXj. Note that compatible types are not necessarily attracted to one another. -- I/O
C17 I/O you understand this stuff well, thanks for taking the time to post. I'd suggest an edit to the opening article rather than a removal re post C15 & C16 -- ISFj
C18 Complement to C12: Although I usually tested as ISFj/ISFJ my true type is Socionics ISTp = SLI (SiTe) craftsman and M-B ISTP (TiSe) crafter. My brother is Socionics ISTj = LSI (TiSe) and M-B ISTJ (SiTe). ISTp belongs to the same quadra as ENFp or ESTj, ISTj to the same quadra as ENFj or ESTp. ISTP belongs to the same cognitive style (new add to M-B theory by Linda Berens and coworkers) as ENFJ or ESTP and ISTJ to the same cognitive style as ENFP or ESTJ. Functions sequences are twisted for introverted sensors, so that they belong to opposite groups in Socionics and M-B system but it looks like both systems work. It's odd but it's so! -- piccolo_michel
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