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On Being INTj
by I/O

Most times, I can figure out what's happening or has happened; and if need be, I usually have or will come up with a way to deal with it. I spend a lot of time inside my head analyzing information, or formulating strategies to achieve something; I try to perfect plans, concepts or understanding, or to prove or disprove ...
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C11 C10, One can arrive at the same result or behaviour from many different approaches. Input operates somewhere between totally S-dominant to totally N-dominant while output operates somewhere between F and T. I can see the possibility for sub-typing when the ratio N/(N+S) or T/(F+T) is very high. However, Te is associated with a closed loop temperament like ENTj so I do not agree with your Te-INTj classification; this would create a serious conflict in rationalization processes - like having a TeSi rather than FeSi as a secondary function. I think that the psyche must establish balance points (not conflict) for stability. -- I/O
C12 Where do all these crazy people come from? not referring to the article poster, just for instance C8, I really can't work out if the persons joking..but who'd write all that about someone they didn't even know for something that's not even humourous? -- Anonymous
C13 @C12 Typical ENTJ information processing. Exercising the primary function reads out according to your ignoring function. So for ENTj they'll verbalize according to Ti. Also explains why I/O sounds like an ENTJ's mind and why most ENTJ forums look like an INTj's mind. ENTj forums sound aloof and disconnected while INTj forums sound like ENTjs. The other part is that while exercising the primary function the second creative function becomes more active, although unlike the first function it cannot sustain prolonged activation thus it occurs in pulses. Ni being the second function during long conversations we ENTjs come up with seemingly prophetic (heavy Ni) understandings of the subject matter. Therefore in order to be able to develop a theory we must be in a state of constant communication burning our Te. Te is about defining things at the most basic level, i.e. the most basic form of logic. Imagine your fuel gauge is a pure Te example. If the fuel gauge says its full, then according to Te the "Fuel gauge says its full". Saying that the tank is full is a Ti example, it is derivative logic. Perhaps (N) the car is on a slant and the gauge reads that it is full (Ti) maybe the fuel gauge is broken and perma stuck in full position (Ne). This much fuel will get you X distance (Ti) but not if there's a meteor collision (Ne) which is unlikely in the near future (Ni). No the fuel gauge says its full(Te), we're leaving NOW! (Se) Don't yell honey you'll upset the children (Fi) Waaaa!(Fe). The point is that we say things which sate our Te and if we should happen to upset people's emotions (Fe) or say something unethical (Fi), or something that is obviously wrong (Si: According to their perception; try arguing with an IStp) or just talk too much (Se) Once the rampage is finished we have our definition, our proof and our wake of destruction be damned. Think of it like solving a really difficult mathematical proof, it requires 3 blackboards of space. (Good Will Hunting had an ISTp genius with a creative Te HA!, but was also lazy and needed an ENFp to pull him out of his ISTp rut). In the process we end up going off on long tangents which may or may not have anything to do with the original subject. What you're reading is exactly what I would speak to someone and in a sense we're having a conversation. No revision, no forethought, just pure unadulterated brain wave to keyboard. Yes, I think and speak like this, ALL THE TIME. Ohh I just read C11: I'm exercising Te and using Ni for input but and because my Ti function is so developed my verbalization comes out more profound than other people's. If your Te function is well developed, lets say an 8 to your Ti's 10 then your verbalization (output) would be well structured and definitive. It's why everything you say is a definition, while everything I say is more of a troubleshooting guide for every possible derivative. You still use all of your, w/e balancing you mentioned, which has nothing to do with how well specific functions are developed. Your temperament is unaffected by the strength of your functions. WHAT YOU SAY CHANGES, HOW YOU SAY IT DOESN'T. Psychology, like most sciences, is about labeling the unknown, labeling is Te. By studying socionics for years and producing many articles about it you have inadvertently developed your Te to a heightened level, just as anyone else who develops socionics for the sake of understanding the mind. How socionics affects people can be predicted based on where their Te is in their model. INTj become more vocal, INTp become more creative, ENTj become more, just read the above. ENTp turn nuttier because they discover their subconscious strong Te and become Einsteins/Ayn Rands/Aushra. -- C8/C10/C13
C14 Thank you, C10, what you describe is exactly how I see ENTj. It is easy to confuse an ENTj for an introvert or other types. I like ENTj very much, although they are my Supervisors )) I feel guilty sometimes for my reverse reaction to them, but nevertheless they are really nice persons, no matter how weird their "out of the blue" statements may sound to me. -- INFp
C15 I/O, do you mind describing more INTp behavior? I'm trying to decide whether I'm INTp or INTj. -- Anonymous
C16 C15, that would be a complete article. See C5. If you are not sure about what you know but are driven by an internal conviction of the way things should proceed regardless of what others may say, you're likely INTj, one who has or wants a plan. If you feel sure about what you know but listen to others about how to deal with what you know, your likely INTp, one who's good at winging it and would feel constrained by a plan. If you're young, you may not be able to distinguish yet. -- I/O
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