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Ni Function Question
by Adomas

As you already know, the Socionics theory was developed mainly by the Lithuanian researcher Aushra Augustinavichute [1]. The name socionics is derived from the word "society", since Augustinavichute believed that each personality type has a distinct purpose in society, which can be described and explained by socionics ...
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C3 If you want a really clear understanding of LII and ILI and ILE and all of the other nutty types you need to read through the machine translations of the authors at the Kiev Socionics institute, which as of right now seems to be the only official source as it is a) Funded research b) Taken seriously and not as a hobby c) Have resources for studying groups, individuals etc that we can only do in our mind or through personal knowledge. In order to understand forum posts you must first understand the type of the person posting, then transcribe it against your own type. Typically ENTp, INTp, and INTj are the authors of such studies and therefore their beneficiary, supervi-sor/see, conflicting etc are less likely to accept socionics at all. has a "prediction" quality to it. It's about filtering information from the environment through internal mechanisms. Hence being able to predict a future outcome may seem like creativity. While looking at a million issues and being able to filter out what seems right may yield a correct answer, which compared to 999,999 incorrect answers also looks like creativity. is about not predicting the future, and about "seeing" an outcome that cannot be predicted, and cannot be filtered at this time, but CAN be solved when it does arrive. Look for David Deutsch video for a concentrated example of ILE. Will ask what, when, why. Will ask what if, why not. Will answer what, when, why, how. Will answer why who needs to do what, where, when and how. Why? Don't ask lest people begin asking where you went. -- ENTj Overlord
C4 "To me, it's important to communicate and understand a concept verbally before inferring further conclusion ...maybe that's not Ne at all; maybe it's Ni" - in my opinion, that is VERY much Ne. Ne is extraverted so verbal communication can help a lot in generating further ideas for a Ne-ego. at least this is what I see myself. I like the 2nd comment (C2)... but hey at least all this discussion can generate new ideas but yes, have to be very careful at the same time. -- hmmhmm
C5 You make a pretty basic error in your assessments of the functions. This is, in my opinion, the same error that MBTI makes. You assume that functions are processes that are oriented towards a certain direction. So, because is extroverted you then assume that it is a function that is oriented towards the external world. Then you say that because it is oriented towards the external world it can only receive ideas from the external world. But an orientation has nothing to do with being able to create. Let me reemphasize that; an orientation has nothing to do with being able to create/recieve, etc. A type with is likely to receive information elements that deal with possibilities, potential, and permanent essences of things in the external world. Then, ONCE THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED, idea generation can occur. Things like idea generation are more up to an individual than a function. Once information is received for an [NE] ego type, given the nature of the information the ideas would be based on improving things - (and if the type is in the alpha quadra with then this improving often has to do with improving understanding). An ILI, on the other hand, would receive information about time and the changing essences of things. ONCE THIS INFORMATION IS RECEIVED, the user would generate ideas. Given the nature of the information received, the ideas would be based on things that relate more to strategies or creations of imagination (like a novel). Your theory that only one function is responsible for idea generation is observably false. An ESE has Ni as a PoLR. This would mean that they would hardly be able to generate ideas at all. However, ESEs know how to make ideas that relate to improving relationships with people, changing their mood, or using sensory stimuli to create a certain atmosphere. -- Some random LII
C6 Ni perceives the internal dynamics of fields which is time and Ne perceives the external statics of objects which is an object's potential energy. So both develop ideas except Ni develops them based on predictable out comes in life and Ne finds out ideas by predicting the static possibilities of object's -- Anonymous
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