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MBTI®/Jung: A bloody mess!
by Tom

I don't really want to cause any fuss, but there are a couple of things I think are long due for some serious "clearing up". To put it simply, MBTI® Introvert types are incompatible with the C. G. Jung psychological types that they are supposed to be based on. Why? Because the dominant functions of all the ...
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C17 As descriptions of profiles for introverted "S" types are almost similar in the MB-theory and in Socionics, Composers (ISFP) = Harmony-Seekers (ISFp) Crafters (ISTP) = Crafters (ISTp) Protectors (ISFJ) = Guardians (ISFj) Inspectors (ISTJ) = Inspectors (ISTj), the question is: WHAT IS THE CORRECT FUNCTIONS SEQUENCE for these types? If it's true that "opposites attract" and may be the best intertypes relations THEN results of these intertypes relations can prove what are the "true opposites". The Personality-Page site gives as best and second best matches, assuming that -Composers (=Harmony-Seekers ) = FiSe: ESFJ and ENFJ -Crafters (=Crafters) =TiSe: ESTJ and ENTJ -Protectors (=Guardians) =SiFe: ESTP and ESFP -Inspectors (=Inspectors) = SiTe: ESFP and ESTP Socionics see these relations, assuming that -Harmony-Seekers (=Composers) = SiFe: ESFj as Mirror, and ENFj as supervision, one of the WORST ones -Crafters (=Crafters) = SiTe: ESTj as mirror, and ENTj as supervision, one of the WORST ones -Guardians (=Protectors) = FiSe: ESTp as supervision, one of the WORST ones, ESFp as mirror -Inspectors (=Inspectors) = TiSe: ESFp as supervision, one of the WORST ones, ESTp as mirror So, in order to know who is right and who is wrong put together for at least 30 years at least -100 composers (according to descriptions!) with 100 ENFJs -100 crafters (according to descriptions!) with 100 ENTJs -100 protectors (according to descriptions!) with 100 ENFJs -100 inspectors (according to descriptions!) with 100 ENTJs BTW Socionics already began observations about intertypes relations long, long ago and these observations let think that Socionics functions sequences are probably the right ones! -- piccolo_michel
C18 WOW -- john
C19 yessssss, someone understands. From the inner cosmic distance I KNEW socionics would set me free I'm IEI, and I am so silly Must have been my daydreamy Ni From the shackles of a system Without the aid of a INTp MBTI it makes us drool The masses are growing some growing pains INFp is the ultimate Fool So in my palace this stuff remains. -- slanko
C20 INTP - I freaking hate every ISTJ I've ever met, in my entire life, except for my maternal grandfather. On another note, I fit both of those things very well, as I'm quite the dreamer, and am entirely capable of being quite rational. I question if, not being neurotypical (High-Functioning Autism), the standards of this system don't apply to me at all, as in myself, I notice very strong introvert functions and very weak extrovert functions (with the exception of Ne, which is above average in me). My dominant is definitely Ti, no question, but I think my Ni is stronger than my Ne, and my Fi is fairly strong as well. My Fe is completely useless (as I'd imagine it probably is in all those on the autistic spectrum). Perhaps this doesn't happen with neurotypicals, but it seems to apply to me. It is possible there is much I don't understand, and have left things out, though I hope that's not the case, but correction would be appreciated. -- Anonymous
C21 I am an INFJ in MBTI, Introverted Thinking with Intuition in JCF, and INTj in Socionics. Why the INFJ in MBTI when my JCF and Sociotype both correlate to TiN? -- EE
C22 Jung said that Ni types find it difficult to express themselves in a way that others can understand what they are saying. This guy clearly exhibits Ni since the majority of people here could not understand what he is trying to say. I agree wholeheartedly with him on this argument. MBTI is a mess. The definitions of the functions don't match up to the definitions of the types. Case in point, the ISFJ is said to use Fe, yet is described as holding their feelings in. And is described in the very same way Jung defined Fi. They also took the definition of Si and changed it's meaning to be related to storing facts from the past. Jung defined is more along the lines of how an artist subjectively views the world, which is more inline with the ISFp and ISTp. I feel your pain man. No one else seems to get these glaringly obvious contradictions. Take heart in the fact that you are cleverer than most people to have spotted it. -- Anonymous
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