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J/P = problem
by Sergei Ganin

Firstly, let's be clear about the very definition of J and P. As you already know J stands for Judgement, P stands for Perception. Jung in his works on psychological types has clearly described types, which dominant function was Thinking or Feeling as Judging or Rational types and the types, which dominant function ...
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C1 This article clarifies, but I think you missed the (admittedly coincidental) value of MBTI theory's P/J designation: right and left brain. Introverted Judgment and Extraverted Perception are both activated in sections of the right brain, whereas Extraverted Judgment and Introverted Perception are both activated in sections of the left brain. MBTI's P/J nicely slices the groups in half: if you're an MBTI P, then you are predominantly right-brained. If you're an MBTI J, then you are predominantly left-brained. -- Doogle - ENTp
C2 Interesting comment, C1. I'm curious as to whether we will ever be able to construct a test capable of determining both function direction AND strength. -- Anonymous
C3 Others say that introverted perceiving functions and "T" are activated in the left brain while extraverted perceiving functions and "F" are activated in the right brain. So personalities with an extraverted perceiving function and "T" or with an introverted perceiving function and "F" have to use both parts of the brain more equally. This process is slower than if both perceiving and judging are in the same part of the brain. As the right brain controls the left part of the body it is also said it is why the best tennis-players have to be the left-handed ESFps! -- piccolo_michel
C4 No matter how many times I take MBTI and Socionics tests, I keep getting INTJ on both! What gives!? -- Anonymous
C5 Lenore thompson locates Ne, Se, Fi, and Ti to the right brain hemisphere, and Te, Fe, Ni, and Si to the left. Our J or P preference is incidental to hemisphere bias and functional blindness of the function inverse of our dominant. The corpus callosum does not communicate diagonally between hemispheres, so our dominant function is left unaware of it's opposite, which results in us having an "inferior" function -- Jared
C6 I find that you seem to want to go back to Jung's definition as law, the MTBI and Socionics are evolved theories, expanded based on Jung's analysis and new information; while Jung is the forefather it does not mean that his original theory is thus immutable. And to further simply the J/P thoery in MTBI the formula for figuring out J vs P is easy Fe,Te,Si,and Ni, produce a J trait, while Ti, Fi, Ne, and Se produce a P trait. Now if you consider J as output and P as the desire for input you can see how Fe, Te easily would rather barf out output, and how Ti, and Fi want input. It is easy to see how Se, and Ne would want input as well, and why SI, and Ni desire to output information. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to new information, so Adapt please.. -- Insane Kender Extremely, Neurotic, Freaking, Person.(a.k.a ENFP)
C7 To-day I tested questionnaires, MBTT ones and Socionics ones.If you are organized, like closure, are planned and structured, etc. AND you are an extravert, you get a "J/j" in both systems, i.e. you are a "DOMINANT JUDGER". (Dominant extraverted judging function) This is CORRECT. If you are organized, like closure, are planned and structured, etc. AND you are an introvert, you get a "j" in Socionics, i.e. you are a "DOMINANT JUDGER". (Dominant INTROVERTED judging function). This is CORRECT. NOW, if you are organized, like closure, are planned and strucured, etc. AND you are an introvert, you get a "J" in the MBTT questionnaires, i.e. you are a "DOMINANT PERCEIVER" (Dominant introverted perceiving function) as well for "IN" types as for "IS" types! WHERE IS THE ERROR? Is the cognitive elements sequence inverted for "IN" types too? OR give MBTT questionnaires the WRONG type? -- Piccolo_Michel
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