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Rationality vs. Irrationality (J vs. P)
by Sergei Ganin

The Judging - Perceiving scale is probably the most difficult to identify. In order to better understand this scale one must first comprehend the fundamental differences between rational and irrational behaviour.

Rational behaviour

Rational behaviour is common practice for Judging types, ...
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C21 It is my personal experience that in a relationship with a weak / unsecured P and a strong / dominant J, the P will adapt so much to the J (to please him / her and by fear to lose him / her) that he / she will become a J too ! But some sort of "overJ" for the better but also for the worse, the much worse !!! Also, the J at first, for many years, will be very happy to have turned his P partner into a "like minded" J, and people will even comment on how such a couple gets along so good... But later, the J will realize what. mistake that was and that "culture shouldn't be forced upon nature" because it's asking for trouble ! With luck, the P who become the "overJ" will someday somehow see the light and will go back to his natural Pness, then the relationship will break, the P will end up better off and the J much worse off ! Ive experienced myself (i am an INTP, but out of personal weakness and to please my ESFJ partner i behave as a negative ESFJ for many many years) so i do know what i am talking about, also the same thing happened to my INFP dad who became a negative ESTJ in order to please my ISTJ mum, also ive seen the same thing happening with other "weak minded" Ps, however not all will be enlightened enough to switch back from "overJ" to P... Usually they will be the ones developping somatizations out of going against their nature ! I wonder if the same also happens to weak minded J's turning into "overPs" in order to please their P partners ?? Any thoughts ? -- Anonymous
C22 I would like to add up the following: J's will convince or force their own environment to change so that they don't have to change themselves, also it gives them the false impression that they are changing when in truth, its just things / people around them changing NOT them ! J's seek to materialize / actualize (their) ideas; P's seek to idealize / spiritualize the matter. One goes against the other just like Yang and the Yin of the Tao. -- Anonymous
C23 I think people are far too complex to be all j or all p. Many of the people I know (including myself)are both orderly and flexible depending on their comfort level with the situation. I find the Myers-Briggs consistently types me as INTJ but Socionics classifies me as INTp or possibly ENTp. I do not find the profiles in any of them accurately describe me. I may not use my feelings as my guide but I do see the value of respecting the feelings of others and I consider myself extremely empathic. As a mother I must rely on my more emotional husband to understand and cope with my children's emotional needs, but I find with practice and patience I am able to learn to handle them. I do much prefer order and planning to chaos. I am never late, but I do not have a rigid schedule. These personality types seem a bit too constricting to accurately portray any real person. -- Anonymous
C24 One of the things I like best about Socionics is the general agreement that the j/p axis is essential for harmonious relations. I could not agree more, especially when it comes to a life-mate. Js should look for Js and Ps should look for Ps. Even if you can't find your Dual (who will, of course, be opposite from you in every other sense, just the same on the j/p axis), I think it's essential (if you want to be happy in your relationship) to share this one, single, and essential quality (either both j or both p). -- Kheledon
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