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My Take on Hidden Agenda
by I/O

Hidden agenda is based on your fourth function, the one that hardly gets satisfied because the other three functions are considered before it. The psyche subconsciously wants it to be satisfied but it is overruled most times. The best way to have it fulfilled is through a partner. To understand how a function would ...
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Your Comments: 1+
C1 Well done. -- Anonymous
C2 This explanation of hidden agenda makes sense, and I'm glad to have read it. -- Atomic Pepper
C3 Very well written and very true. -- Anonymous
C4 wow, unique contribution, improtant, incisive. thankyou. -- Anonymous
C5 You mention that the HA is based on the fourth function, which I'm assuming is the inferior function. Previous articles on HA have considered it as the tertiary function, which seems to play out in my experience. I was wondering if you could comment a bit more on your reasoning? Great article, in any case! -- INFp guy
C6 C5 - Inferior or tertiary implies that the functions operate sub optimally. I consider that in everyone, the eight functions are fully operational. Information from four are suppressed to varying degrees because they produce or acquire conflicting information. (See my article Permutations of Type) The remaining four are necessary to drive our psyche; however, they operate in hierarchical structure in order to maintain psychological stability. However, this means the lowest priority becomes the itch that never gets scratched – like being on a bus when the driver (your dominant function) drives by your stop even though you’re ringing the bell. I view the four functions layered in a pyramid with the dominant function at the apex – each layer has the same area but information has to squeeze and percolate to the top. The base layer is thin and far from the apex (your soft underbelly) but absolutely necessary for stability. -- I/O
C7 Actually the hidden agenda is associated with the 6th function, the mobilizing function. The 4th function, the vulnerable function, is associated with the place of least resistance. -- piccolo_michel
C8 C7, yes, I have read about that linkage; I'm simply proposing that a “hidden agenda” could manifest itself through another mechanism. I also think that introverted or extroverted mode makes a function appear like two separate functions when in reality there is only one. Hence, my C6 comment was worded very sloppily; I should not have referred to 8 functions. Note that my perspectives would likely be considered naive by proponents of existing theory. I'm a systems engineer not a psychologist so believe what makes sense to you -- I/O
C9 I'm rather confused here. In his article: "How to convert MBTI® type to Socionics type" by Segei Ganin he stated: "if one of the functions in a pair is Auxiliary, then the other would be Tertiary, which represents the Hidden Agenda." This sounds very logical to me, but now suddenly the HA is the fourh of sixth function.?! Could someone please refer to an official Socionics table? It is also strange that the funtions mentioned in the article INTP or INTJ by Sergei do not follow model A, but the corrected MBTI (for introverted types) sequence ? -- Piet Guijt INTJ
C10 The HA is the sixth function in Socionics, but the same function is the Tertiary in the MBTI model. I certainly is not the fourth function.... -- Piet Guijt
C11 I think your take on HA function pairings makes much more general sense to me (for ALL 8 functions) than the ones derived from Socionics' "tertiary" pairings...particularly paying attention to your take on why introverted thinking (my dominant function) has HA "to understand". Socionics table says mine should theoretically be "to be Healthy", but I've NEVER personally resonated with that as a hidden driving force for me. (Though ironically enough, I've been contentedly working as a produce asst mgr for the last 9 years at a place that dubs themselves 'the healthy supermarket'.) For me, though, it's not just understanding of system/theory/data structures/patterns-and all the hows/whys/processes behind it all. More importantly, I really do want to understand PEOPLE better, too. Through years of restaurant & retail experience, I can often "read the need" on customers' faces if they need help, for instance, and can even "read" emotive states on people (when I look at up close digitized photos & spend some time analyzing the facial structures/expressions made to induce what they were most likely 'feeling' at that time). But snapshot, not 'programmed'-through-experience interactions with people (esp where attraction is potentially involved-or misread...or obvious signs of of it that I somehow obliviously 'missed'...or)? Yeah...not so much. (I'm speculating it's got something to do with Ti dominant being naturally Fe deficient?) Anyway, I don't think the Socionics "to be Healthy" really resonates with me while yours does. Furthermore, I saw an Admin comment to another's post (different article, of course) that stated something to the effect of 'if you claim to be INTj & you feel your HA is NOT health, then you're probably not INTj; if you think you're INTp and you don't feel your HA is to love, then you're probably not INTp', and thought to myself, "then site is DEAD WRONG about me", in how a vital part of their theory relates to me (thinking their HA pairings were questionable, not the INTj test result). Then again, I DO really like my job working for 'the healthy supermarket', so...*shrugs* -- Soc INTj, MBTI INTP, SLOAN rcoei, Enne 5w4
C12 C11. My theory is slightly more complex in that introverted thinking (Ti) has a strategist agenda that needs 'to understand', which is not obscured or hidden in any way when dominant. However, this need to understand is the more observable aspect of the real agenda; this becomes more obvious as it moves further away from the dominant position. Similarly for the inquisitor agenda (Te), moralist agenda (Fi), empath agenda (Fe), vigilant agenda (Si), believer agenda (Ni), reductionist agenda (Se) and holist agenda (Ne). I submitted an article on agendas a long time ago but it was not posted - maybe it's too out-there. Note that it was coincidence that the believer agenda had a dominant observable aspect that could be described with the same root word 'to believe'. -- I/O
C13 I have Ti as sixth/tertriary function, but I don't think that 'to understand' is my hidden agenda. Because it's simply to obvious that I want to understand everything to be anything 'hidden'. My theory is that we IxFps rather have a hidden need to be understood. This need is much more similiar to e.g. the ExTps' need to be loved. I think the hidden agenda causes mutch drama in your live. ExTPs for example don't trust someone that tells them that they like them. If someone doesn't like or respect them, they often kind of try to bring that person down. They want to be loved, but at the same time many of them do many things that keep them from getting this love. And once they get it, many of them (probably the more unhealthy ones) don't accept it. It's kind of the same with me wanting to be understood. I never believe that people get my point. I communicate in a way that makes it very hard/impossible to understand me. Meanwhile I've never struggled with understanding things, people, hints, poems or systems myself. It is very rare that I figure out later that I misunderstood something. I'm very quick to look through things and understand them on quite a deep level (I don't want to be arrogant, that's just what I've experienced... I can tell you all my weaknesses, too, if you want to Writing in a language that is not my native language, for example... I'm sorry). If wanting to understand is truly my HA, it is one that never really caused trouble in my life, so I don't think it is. My two ISFp-friends can't relate to that being their HA either, but I don't know if they really understood me when I explained the theory to them, so that can't be taken as proof... Anyone who agrees or disagrees with my thoughts? -- misunderstood-infp
C14 C13, INFps are likely people who are really convinced of what they know and believe, and their self-images are very important to them. They keenly sense and understand hidden meaning, nuance and from where people are coming – they're alert to the motivations and intent of others, so I would agree with you about them being able to easily clue into many things. However, INFps can also be somewhat impractical and naïve in day to day living; their guarded nature tends to find comfort in understanding things that an ESTp would be good at or know. They may not think that those things are as important but they can be fascinated by the subjects; they do like to understand what's behind all these solutions even though they may not seek this understanding on their own initiative. Under closer scrutiny for an INFp, I would think that it's more about the practical strategy to deal with the understanding. -- I/O
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