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INTj or INTp?
by Sergei Ganin

INTjs and INTps can have very similar behaviour, interests and even appearance. However, when it comes to intertype relations there is a big difference between these two, because one's Dual is the other's Conflicting type. Also, two INTjs or two INTps can co-exist quite peacefully, whereas an INTj and an INTp do ...
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C27 OMG! Thanks Locked Spirrit for the link and moderator for clarifying the type! If that description is accurate for the 4 functions and how they work together as an INTP or INTj, it fit me almost 100%. It's a little freaky that someone else could *know* what goes on in my head. Being a woman, wife and mother has helped me develop that shadow Fe. Being the "spacey overanalyzer who had emotional outbursts over someone not trusting I *knew* the truth of things" has not been an endearing trait for a girl to grow up with. Let them eat their hearts out now. I'm in shape, hotter than shit and can hold an intelligent debate over the nature of the Universe. Thanks again for help in clarifying... It's a huge missing link to why I am so different than anyone I know. -- Anonymous
C28 Interesting article, but I think you mixed up the INTP and INTJ dominant functions. INTP-the perceiving trait(P) causes intuition(N) to be extroverted and thinking(T) to be introverted. Then the introverted trait(I) causes the introverted thinking trait(T) to be dominant. Therefore the INTP's dominant function is introverted thinking(T). INTJ-the judging trait(J) causes thinking(T) to be extroverted and intuition(T) to be introverted. Then the introverted trait(I) causes the introverted intuition trait(T) to be dominant. Therefore the INTJ's dominant function is introverted intuition(T). -- an INTP
C29 => C28. This is Socionics dude. Dominant N or S (P functions) the type is P, Dominant T or F (J functions) the type is J. Simple. You should really read the rest of the site before correcting. In fact what I can see you don't really understand it yourself judging by you confused statement. "...dominant function is introverted intuition(T)..", "...and intuition(T)to be introverted..." T? Really? It is i(N)tution not in(T)uition you fool . -- Anonymous
C30 I would love to see a similar article highlighting the differences between INFp and INFj. Us introverted intuitives, you know, we like to read such things... -- Anonymous
C31 I love the end (sarcasm). Maybe you are neither... did it ever occur to the author that maybe you are both? Jung himself was both... and I am an INTX myself. The mind is such a complex thing, you can't really expect these 4 letters to sum up your entire cognitive abilities, it's a good start, a good idea, but I wouldn't rely on it as a hard fact that you absolutely have to be catagorized neatly into 1 type. -- Anonymous
C32 C31 what you say can have a lot of truth..but..I become confused, why is it that INTj and INTp experience confusement more so than the others ? Take me as an example..the ISTp. Armed as I am with a proper understanding of many aspects..I can see the difference of my j/p as clearly as diamonds on the mountain face (money ?! ). In qualify..I had a relationship with an ISTj which turned out in such a way as to fufil quasi-identical. Can you explain to me why you find it so hard to understand your particular j/p as such an issue ? Do you purport a flaw in model A, or perhaps you are too vague to know 'thyself' ? -- Cyclops
C33 C31: Socionics is a theory, plain and simple. As such, its intent is not merely to categorize people into one particular type but to provide a basis for self-understanding and to assist in intertype relations. You will not be able to take much away from this (or any) personality theory if you cannot determine how it personally applies to you. -- Anonymous
C34 I was under the impression that it was the INTJ who had introverted intuition, not INTP. INTPs have an extroverted intuition, with an introverted thinking. Their extroverted preference function is P, which means they are extroverted intuitors, and therefore introverted thinkers. -- barcode
C35 This comment is directed to C29: I apologize for listing intuition as (T), though besides this mistake I am correct. If you actually had studied the theories behind the Jung/M-B personality system, you would know that P and J are called the ambassadors, meaning they are the functions that are shown to the outside world. This means that a (J)udger will have the(T)hinking function as his extroverted function, not his dominant function. Also, I found your reference to me as a fool quite amusing. -- an INTP
C36 I would have to disagree with the above analysis. Like everything in life, there are always exceptions to every rule, so maybe I'm just one of them. After a lot of research, I find myself juggling between INTP and INTJ. I am probably slightly more INTJ, but have a lot of the characteristics of an INTP. I like to "do" more things that an INTP likes to do , but tend to think and act more like an INTJ. After reading this article, I'll have to go find similar articles and see what they have to say! -- Justin
C37 C35 It looks like you are using MB still. C36 Jung said himself that everyone is an exception to this rule. -- aneeley
C38 I agree with C35, and to add to his analysis, I find that the individual whom wrote this article and C29 fail to take into account that MB states that the primary and auxiliary are not only codependent upon each other, but are also interlocking in their effects. A good example of this theory would be to compare the Architect to the Crafter. Same dominant, different Auxiliary. Completely different habits and interests, one completely theoretical and the other completely concrete in pure form. But without influence from the Auxiliary, the discrepancies would be minute and it would be like comparing apples to slightly misshapen apples. The p/j balance each other out via the int/ext'd pri/aux functions, and like MB said in one of their books, "Without a properly developed auxiliary, a dominant j would be all form and no content. Similarly, a dominant p would be all filler and no texture". So because of my understanding of MB, I can't say I much agree on a majority of this article. An interesting exercise for anyone who might like to learn a bit more about personality is to study the formality and assertiveness of each poster on this page and formulate a surmisal as to if they are a j or a p. I've practiced and I can fairly accurately(75%) predict. In a casual conversation, I can predict the entire temperament. -- Just another INTP
C39 Everyone should take this short test, It gives you two possible types and then a subtype, and a subtype means you use that function more than the others. So you for example could actually be an INTp who uses more than . -- Ryan K
C40 Well, well, well, Ryan K, I took the test and came out as INTp (T subtype), and as an INTj (T subtype). Any mind-crushing ideas ? -- Nodder56
C41 @C40, Took that test and got the same result as you, LMAO -- Anonymous
C42 Are you implying for instance; by your observations of the INTP/INTJ resemblance at the latter portion of paragraph #3 in this uh, essay, that an (this is my own interpretation) that an INTP 'the rules apply here, but not there' would be more likely, to say, be more comfortable "going with the flow of where they are and what there surroundings are, than an INTJ. For instance, if an INTJ male took his wife of any type on a trip to another country where customs or traditions or whatever was different from his own adhereances, he would be more likely to remain truer to his own customs in another area whereas an INTP would "allow his spouse or children to go against the families customs while somewhere where the rules don't apply. Is that what you would mean by this. -- a person with an MBTI type
C43 Here, highlighted it for you: "This makes their logic circumstantial and unpredictable - the rules apply here but may not apply there." Rules in question are rules of logic, the whole paragraph talks about. -- SG
C44 I don't understand your answer to my questions -- a person with an MBTI type
C45 I had this problem at first too. Studying role functions cleared it up for me. Try looking at function 4 (vulnerable). Are you more often hurt/offended by interaction with your or ? Still a close call, I know, but look at the way the other functions change their nature as well. -- Male INTj
C46 If you've read MBTI, forget it all if you're on this site. Myers-Briggs has nothing to do with Socionics. Period. Nothing of value transfers between the two, and unless you can separate them in your mind, you won't be using either of them with any sort of merit. Heck, half the time people are using MBTI 4-letter codes, and the other half Socionics are we to have meaningful discourse when we cannot accurately communicate the functions in question? -- Anonymous
C47 i'm an intp and i'm confident that i'm an intp. i've read many article about intp. they have introverted thinking, extraverted intuition, introverted sensing and extraverted feeling. we just have to read more and more to understand. the biggest and simplest different between them is- intp can sometimes hardly make decisions because they are perceivers-while intj an sometimes easily makes decisions because they are judgers. these are my opinion. -- sora [intp]
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