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The flaws with personality testing
by David L. Mount

One should be careful when interpreting the results of a personality test. Just because someone tests one way does not necessarily mean that they are that way. People are made up by a combination of several personality traits. There also is the chance of incorrectly labelling a person. Employers should be aware ...
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C23 This is honestly so intelligent and I find that some of the testd are not freated by professionals or a system but rather by an observer who has "stufked" by a fee internet searches and decides to voice their opinions. This is particularly relevant to enneagram tritypes as I could decide to create a focus group as well and say that after your main and dominant type you just go with what ever feels the most natural. I thinknthat these tests are supposed to aid us in self reflection and the psychology of how we think but ultimately they missued as everyone goes ahead sterotyping you or using limiting words that may very well not reflect the circumstances. -- Anonymous
C24 If you know anything regarding statistics and normal distribution (which these tests are built and measured upon, you would know that these personality tests are bullshit. Everytime I make a personality test, eg. the Myers-Briggs test, I either score around 51% on introverted and 49% on extroverted, and at other times I score around 49% on introverted and 51 on extroverted - How on earth can you label yourself being solely introverted or extroverted when you're clearly both depending on situations? I have the same issue with Thinking and Feeling - sometimes 51-54% thinking, sometimes 47-49% thinking. Now from a statistical point of view, if two categories are almost equally distributed, it's not a significant difference which means you can't argue that you're one or the other (it means you're both) Another issues regarding statistics and these tests is, if you would score 35% introverted/65% extroverted then you could argue that you're mainly extroverted, but you're still scoring 35% introverted, which ultimately means that you're still not pure extroverted since some of the questions indicated at times being introverted. For me this means that every time I take the Myers-Briggs test, I score a new type of profile, since I'm using both "skills" more or less equally depending on the situation, mood etc. I have equally issues with DISC personality tests, but I won't go into that here... These tests are absolute useless and I'll probably make a deeper explanation why on Youtube at some point, I just had to ventilate my opinion here. Best regards Remi -- Remi Mouritzen
C25 Malcolm Harding (archbishop of Rupert's Land) Malcolm Taylor McAdam Harding (1863[1] – 1949) was a bishop of the Anglican Church of Canada in the 20th century.[2] Ordained in 1889,[3] his first posts were curacies at Holy Trinity Merrickville, Ontario [4] and St. George's Cathedral, Kingston, Ontario. After this he was Rector of St. Matthew's Cathedral, Brandon, Manitoba [5] then Archdeacon of Assiniboia. In 1909 he became Coadjutor Bishop of Qu’Appelle, and two years later its Diocesan.[6] Elected Metropolitan of Rupert's Land and translated to the Diocese of Rupert's Land in 1935[7] he was then styled Archbishop of Rupert's Land. He retired in 1942.[8] He died on 22 April 1949. -- Malcolm Harding II
C26 This is honestly so intelligent and I find that some of the testd are not freated by professionals or a system but rather by an observer who has "stufked" by a fee internet searches and decides to voice their opinions. This is particularly relevant to enneagram tritypes as I could decide to create a focus group as well and say that after your main and dominant type you just go with what ever feels the most natural. I thinknthat these tests are supposed to aid us in self reflection and the psychology of how we think but ultimately they missued as everyone goes ahead sterotyping you or using limiting words that may very well not reflect the circumstances. -- Anonymous
C27 I have found it very common for people to mistype themselves on either a Socionics or MBTI test by two letter codes on average. Some people do get it right; many don't. The correlation seems dependent on how much one has steady close relations with their dual in life so that they can be happy keeping on with their primary functions. When duals are not close by nor gone too long, under stress people seem to consciously try adapting their behavior more to life's demands and this can distort results. One is thinking about how one is usually "trying to be" to get by in their days, instead of the natural flow of who one most easily is. It is very interesting. I highly recommend intertype relations of all kinds as validation checks for consistency in your own personal type findings. -- Anonymous
C28 This is honestly so intelligent and I find that some of the testd are not freated by professionals or a system but rather by an observer who has "stufked" by a fee internet searches and decides to voice their opinions. This is particularly relevant to enneagram tritypes as I could decide to create a focus group as well and say that after your main and dominant type you just go with what ever feels the most natural. I thinknthat these tests are supposed to aid us in self reflection and the psychology of how we think but ultimately they missued as everyone goes ahead sterotyping you or using limiting words that may very well not reflect the circumstances. -- Anonymous
C29 This is honestly so intelligent and I find that some of the testd are not freated by professionals or a system but rather by an observer who has "stufked" by a fee internet searches and decides to voice their opinions. This is particularly relevant to enneagram tritypes as I could decide to create a focus group as well and say that after your main and dominant type you just go with what ever feels the most natural. I thinknthat these tests are supposed to aid us in self reflection and the psychology of how we think but ultimately they missued as everyone goes ahead sterotyping you or using limiting words that may very well not reflect the circumstances. -- Anonymous
C30 This is honestly so intelligent and I find that some of the testd are not freated by professionals or a system but rather by an observer who has "stufked" by a fee internet searches and decides to voice their opinions. This is particularly relevant to enneagram tritypes as I could decide to create a focus group as well and say that after your main and dominant type you just go with what ever feels the most natural. I thinknthat these tests are supposed to aid us in self reflection and the psychology of how we think but ultimately they missued as everyone goes ahead sterotyping you or using limiting words that may very well not reflect the circumstances. -- Anonymous
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