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Which type makes the best liar?
ENFj - The Actor241528.4 %
ENFp - The Reporter5686.7 %
ENTj - The Pioneer4214.9 %
ENTp - The Inventor103512.2 %
ESFj - The Enthusiast2132.5 %
ESFp - The Ambassador3864.5 %
ESTj - The Director2222.6 %
ESTp - The Conqueror87910.3 %
INFj - The Empath3173.7 %
INFp - The Romantic3494.1 %
INTj - The Analyst6007.1 %
INTp - The Observer4174.9 %
ISFj - The Guardian911.1 %
ISFp - The Peacemaker1291.5 %
ISTj - The Pragmatist1641.9 %
ISTp - The Artisan3023.5 %
Total Votes: 8508
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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C56 Actually, C54, ENTP's are not always lying. I rarely lie as I usually don't have a reason to do so. I always cover my bases before a situation occurs, first of all to make sure I don't even have to lie in the first place. Plus there's not a lot of need for lying in my life in general. I do agree with C27, and would also like to add that ENTP's are also probably the most cunning in that they will quickly scan their brains for any possible objection someone might have to their presented argument, though it may be false. There is little room left to doubt them. -- Anonymous
C57 INTj is my vote, I'm very good at lying, as long as one considers any art of misdirection of someone's thought process in a manner that is deemable as "on purpose" simply due to the fact that they can figure out various clues like what the person wants to hear, what they're expecting and what sorts of actions and wording typically tip people off, as well as looking for openings that are unexpected while doing the above or maybe that's INTx where the typical social engagement standards don't apply so fluidly thus confusing the target about your mannerisms to begin with -- Anonymous
C58 I voted INTj, because I am one and I am especially good at lying. All I do is smooth out my face and speak in a monotone, and people believe. -- Captain Awesome-INTj
C59 C16 is 100% right. I (ENTp) personally bs people like i breathe, smooth, and under the radar. Entps are natural debaters and love showing off their impressive vocabulary and thorough knowledge of sever, often random, subjects. using this same tactic when lieing makes it effortless for an ILE. -- ENTp
C60 ISTjs are so stupid they dont even realise when they're lieing -- Th
C61 INTP definitely. I'm an ENTP and always feel bad about lying, simply because when I lay my head down at night, I don't like the idea of being someone different than I am inside. I have integrity.... -- Anonymous
C62 I am an ENFJ and I am VERY honest. I cannot stand lies. I don't get this. -- ENFJ guy
C63 INFJ Though the lies are usually white lies, this type will lie for many reasons. Because they are so unassuming, so trusted, and so good at communicating with others they are excellent liars. -- Anonymous
C64 The ENFJs I've know try to lie a lot, but they don't lie well. Their dominant Fe that broadcasts their feelings betrays them. But the question isn't "Who lies the most?" or "Who is the most likely to lie?" It's who lies the best. I think ENTPs or ENFPs would be the best. Yes, ENFPs wouldn't generally like to lie, but if they wanted to, they'd be good at it. I find sensors to be pretty transparent, personally. -- Anonymous
C65 ESTP... been on the receiving end many times. -- INFJ
C66 I think INFPs make the best liars simply because they are the best actors. I don't think lying is something they do often, however, since it conflicts with their strong value systems. -- Anonymous
C67 ENFJ has the most votes, and this supports my suspicion that INFJ's are very good liars as well-possibly even better than their extroverted counterparts. -- Anonymous
C68 i voted ENFP for our gift of gab. but now that i think about it there are probably other types better suited for lying. plus my arbitrary moral values tell me not to lie a lot. -- an ENFP
C69 ESTP- I've never met an ESTP who is an effective liar, but they do like to do it a lot, though it's never really that devious. I think they're so grounded in reality that they can't mask the absurdity of the thing they're trying to claim as true, and assume they'll get caught. ENFJ/ESFJ: I know these types like to lie a lot, they get some sort of pleasure in one of their few talents, which is emotional manipulation. But they're also not very good at it. ESFJ's especially aren't very creative or careful with making their lie convincing. INTJ/ENTJ: These types can be very convincing liars, because they have an ability to honestly believe what they are saying is true. Their lies can be the most disturbing because their combination of introverted feeling and introverted intuition allows them to sort of ignore reality and justify their point of view morally, when in fact they are the farthest thing from the truth. ENTP: I'm the former, and I'm a good liar. I used to never lie as a kid, because I thought people were genuinely interested in the truth. But as i've grown older, i've realized that the truth is wasted on most people, so I just give them the version of reality that they most prefer, unlike the NTJ's though, I know it's complete bullshit. When I begin to trust someone though, I cut the shit and let them know my actions, my thoughts, and my opinions because they're someone I respect and want advice/help from. An an ENTP though, I must admit that I don't really like lying, and when I do it to appease someone it makes me resent them for that fact that they even need to be lied to. ENFP: These people like to lie too, mostly for fun, to get to enjoy the things they like, usually something involving cheating on a SO or getting out of a family reunion. They also feel a bit uncomfortable with it though. ESTJ: These people lie to themselves regularly, or as I see it willfully ignore any opinions counter to their own. I don't think they see lying as anything more than a tool to be used, and don't consider morals or feelings when doing it. ISFP/ISFJ/ISTJ/ISTP: These types don't really like to lie, aren't very good at it, and don't feel comfortable doing it. They see reality as very concrete, and their responsibilities to other people as very simple. If people don't like what they're doing then they're acting absurd, and will eventually come to see their point of view. As for who makes the best liars? ENTP/ENTJ, no doubt about it, they just go about it in very different ways. -- ENTP point of view.
C70 I don't know why anyone would vote INFP. I'm an INFP and I feel guilty as hell if I even think about lying. Consequently, I'm a terrible liar. I voted ESTP because I think they'd be pretty shameless about lying, so they'd be good at it. I also don't know why ENFJ got so many votes... They've been labeled 'the actor' but it doesn't make them prone to lying. They tend to be really really strong in the J department and hate lies. -- Anonymous
C71 @C18 I dont think that i have no morals. they are just not the same as everyone elses. im more logical than feely. @28 at first i agreed with you but then at the end you were wrong. "absolutley not a SF considering that to lie you have to be comfortable with breaking ethical and moral codes (something a S or a F would not do) and be able to logical explain your lie otherwise it becomes contradictory and will not be believed." thats not true. I have no problems breaking other peoples ethical and moral codes. but maybe that is because im an ESTP and not an ESFP? -- Amanda
C72 ISFj, they will lie on their children's lives, and not think twice about it. In fact, you could catch them in the act, and they will find some way to spin it. However, if you are an ENTj, like me, their dual, an ISFj will simply have the natural urge to tell you the truth. Moreover, they know they cannot feed you the same BS they feed everyone else, ENTj's are natural BS detectors. This is why, smart people befriend ENTj's first, and gain their trust. Then, they steal our ideas,exploit them, and stick a knife in our backs when we are least expecting. -- #TheHitmanApproves @socionics
C73 INTJs CAN be background evil -- Anonymous
C74 As a Newbie, I am continuously searching online for articles that can aid me. Thank you aecbgfggekdfccfd -- Smithe266
C75 I think istp are the best liar when it come to self interest. When an istp really needs something and realize after some thinking that there is no other option than to lie for it, he will have no problem to do so very very convincingly (make plans, background check, change is behaviour etc) . But at other time, if lying is the better option but the istp doesn't care or doesnt realize, he will tell the truth (wich happen a lot of time). They do not like to be deceptive but can be really good actors. However, i think that entj are the best hands-on liar. They will have no problem alternating the truth to their own advantage in almost every situation. -- Anonymous
C76 INTJ, Lying? rarely strategic thinking means lying? NO ENFJ , Lying?Yes -- INTJ
C77 Research has suggested that the ENTP type is the best lie detector. It would make sense if it turned out that the best lie detector also tended to be the best liar. ENTPs also have an identifying characteristic of arguing passionately for stances that they don't really believe in. -- Anonymous
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