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Which type makes the best liar?
ENFj - The Actor241528.4 %
ENFp - The Reporter5686.7 %
ENTj - The Pioneer4214.9 %
ENTp - The Inventor103512.2 %
ESFj - The Enthusiast2132.5 %
ESFp - The Ambassador3864.5 %
ESTj - The Director2222.6 %
ESTp - The Conqueror87710.3 %
INFj - The Empath3173.7 %
INFp - The Romantic3494.1 %
INTj - The Analyst6007.1 %
INTp - The Observer4174.9 %
ISFj - The Guardian911.1 %
ISFp - The Peacemaker1291.5 %
ISTj - The Pragmatist1641.9 %
ISTp - The Artisan3023.6 %
Total Votes: 8506
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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C30 Another considered vote for intj from personal experience. These guys can have no qualms about worshipping the guarding of their own backsides sometimes regardless. This comes of being pragmatists not idealists, which is a bit self-defining as truthfulness belongs with idealism more. -- Anonymous
C31 dont underestimate the lying ability of the INTP, we observe people, we know how they tick, and we know how to word things to make them seem less confronting to someone we know.. -- Anonymous
C32 I voted INFP because we have a natural intuition for what people need to hear to believe your point. I'm an INFP, and i have a good instinct for how the things i say affect people, and how people are feeling, it's in our nature. -- Henry.
C33 I don't lie if I don't have to. I have my integrity. -- Anonymous INTj
C34 Why not ISFPs? They're so bent on people pleasing. -- Anonymous
C35 Enfps, my brother is one and he is a chronic liar, thief, and rageholic. Infjs make horrible liars, I don't see how "empath" would lead to false words. We are moral and ethical above all else, and the only reason I (an infj) would make a good liar is because I've earned the trust of others through consistent honesty. Even honesty after I've lied. (in response to A13) -- Anonymous
C36 I voted ESTP, cause they are salespersons and can put all their charisma and unfortunately lying tactics to get what they want. Although they know the boundaries. I am an ENFJ and I know I can lie when it's for myself. For example to lie in a train when forgetting to buy a ticket. With a straight face. I would not lie to benefit myself. -- Jasper
C37 EXTPs would be best at lying because they don't have the qualities like F or J that would instigate a feeling of duty or morality not to lie. They are probably the least "moral" of the Jungian types. ESTPs however would outperform ENTPs in the sense that their S makes them more aware of the immediate situation. However the ENTP will be more inventive, and therefore possibly more successful, in methods of deception. -- Jack
C38 I've met a few people(usually girls) that will compulsively lie about the most ridiculous things, sometimes getting very intricate, because they seem to want to take it upon their ego to make people "feel better". I bet these people were INFps. ENFj's might like to lie just to put someone in their "place." Dominant extraverted thinkers and extraverted intuitives I bet are most prone to going out of their way to spit out half truths. IxFj's might tell half truths out of sheer confusion over what is really true, hoping that someone will help them understand or feel better or hoping they will see how much they are suffering(usually the percieved "lying" is just faulty reasoning though), and maybe they'll lie if they are emotionally inclined to, and they might like to get better at lying so they can tell good jokes. They also might like to say things that makes them look less formal and more relateable. Exxt's probably do this in a scheming way. IxTj's won't say anything unless they believe its true, but a good ole INTj is prone to experiment and think of a lie as a science experiment, if they wish to refine this skill and are super duber smart and high in thinking preference, they can be incredle liars. IxTj's also will lie to no end when their ego just can't handle the fact that they were wrong, and they might not even realize they are doing this, because they are lying to themselves. This usually just looks like being disagreable though. ENTp's might lie because they are full of how smart they are, ESTp's because they like to show off their confidence. INTp's might lie because they think its funny and choose not to care about right and wrong. ISTp's might lie to get people to f-off. ESFp's might lie just to continue to screw around, but they are usually pretty silly and aimless about it. Just ideas. -- Anonymous
C39 I was an actress, a writer, and a few other of these high-lying types, and I feel sick if I have to lie. This is not right at all! -- Anonymous
C40 I think the feeling type is less likely to be a good liar because they consider other peoples emotions too much. -- INTp
C41 I agree with C27! ENTP lie in a whole different way, which is why I think they are 'the best' at lying but only do so when they feel it's in their best interest. They may not lie the most but they know how to fool. -- Anonymous
C42 INTJ's lie the best period. They know how to hid things quite well. Their persuasion skills are like no one else. -- Anonymous
C43 It's obviously ISFjs. Why? Nobody expects them to lie. So when they do, they get away with it because everybody trusts them. And yes, I think they can pull it off without there consciences getting in the way, especially if they think its for the protection and sake of a loved one or the greater good. While they may not lie with as much frequency as other types, it would seem "best" would have greater weight on quality rather than quantity. -- Just Another Silly INTp
C44 intps dont show facial expressions..... -- Anonymous
C45 INFP, because nobody sees it coming -- Anonymous
C46 I am an enfj...the truth is so important to enfj's...just because we are referred to as the "actor" people have obviously misunderstood the ability to blend with outright lying? My experience is that istp's have the least conscious or desire to tell the truth and most the time don't even know what the truth is because they lie habitually to keep out others from getting to know them. Enfj types live for the truth. -- Anonymous
C47 I voted ESFj because I just got out of a relationship with one that constantly lied to me especially in the last few months. However, I saw through them the whole time even while trying to somehow make it fit logically that he may be telling the truth. As an ENTP I am ashamed that I allowed myself to be lied to by someone with such horrible skills at arranging facts. Though I will say the inherent ability to emotionally manipulate within ESFjs makes me very envious. I think an ESFj and ENTp if teaming up with the same purpose could get anyone to do anything they choose. -- ENTp economist
C48 Hey I'm ENFj/ENFJ and I'm not good at lying. I'm too honest everyone knows when I'm lying hahaha -- José D.
C49 ENTP by far! E because, well, lying is a social circumstance that requires feeding off the energy the person you are lying to. N because of the abstract ideas and stories that could be created, easier to create a hypnotizing effect. T because of a moral standpoint on lying, a T could go further in a lie without feeling remorse. P because of the flexibility granted when part of the plan becomes foiled, one can quickly recover and take a new position. ~INFP -- Drew
C50 I think that all NF types are more honest than most; and those who accuse them of "acting" and "lying" do so because they can't believe someone would actually care/etc. as much as they are capable of. -- Anonymous
C51 ENFJ? no way! they are more like Mentors than Actors. Actors suppose to be ESFPs or ENFPs. I would definitely go with ENTP! e.g. Bugs Bunny. Point given. -- ENTJ
C52 an estp because they will look you directly in the eye and blame YOU in you dont believe them -- th
C53 I've always considered truthfulness to be a reflection of your relationship to that person so your truthful to someone you trust but there is alternatives behind lying and people have real motives for lying. Some people put on a persona because their insincere, some people realise their in trouble and well if their talking to a merciless tyrant I don't hold it against them for lying, some people lie because their too embarrassed, some people lie because its inappropriate to tell the truth believe it or not, some people lie because they don't fully respect you, etc. I think its better to keep quiet than tell a lie or keep quiet when your unsure of the truth. Then again, if you recognize that famous lie by Bill Clinton: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman", that's an example where lying made it worse. -- Anonymous
C54 ENTP - they are able to lie without thinking and are constantly lying until they get what they want. They have an uncanny ability to almost believe their own lies. The ENTP is best at lying because they know the perfect thing to say to everyone to achieve their desired outcome. I feel they are the masters of deceit. The ENTJ is a wonderful manipulator, however they tend to go about it in an honest manner. They are all about "rules" The ESTP - they lie but are not exceptional at it... they are good however at bluffing. They are better at surface lies whereas the ENTP are better at lies to obtain whatever they desire, therefore their lies seem to have more depth. -- Anonymous
C55 I vote for INFp - The Romantic,because they can enter in to your heart and soul and easily destroy it.Also they can make you feel safe and drag you to hell with them,when person is alone with Romantic person. It's a man with two face -- Yukimura-Serbian
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