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Socionics Polls - Leave Your Comment!
Which type do you consider the happiest?
ENFj - The Actor148418.1 %
ENFp - The Reporter121014.8 %
ENTj - The Pioneer2352.9 %
ENTp - The Inventor4605.6 %
ESFj - The Enthusiast125515.3 %
ESFp - The Ambassador123115.0 %
ESTj - The Director1602.0 %
ESTp - The Conqueror3914.8 %
INFj - The Empath1842.2 %
INFp - The Romantic3904.8 %
INTj - The Analyst2533.1 %
INTp - The Observer1782.2 %
ISFj - The Guardian1131.4 %
ISFp - The Peacemaker3233.9 %
ISTj - The Pragmatist991.2 %
ISTp - The Artisan2252.7 %
Total Votes: 8191
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 37+
C37 i have an ESFJ friend and she's one of those "emo" types.. and she's always sad..well ENFP all the way! -- Anonymous
C38 REALLY? -- Jason
C39 i think ESFJs are only happy on the outside. @C35 - i disagree. intps often pretend they are happy in social situations.. but are rather depressed on the inside. -- snik
C40 I said ENFP... they just seem blissful to me :S Granted it is also the opposite of my type >.> -- ISTJ
C41 INTps are miserable in the sense that knowledge = sorrow, wisdom = grief. The ignorant/oblivious would probably be the happiest except we need to include average happiness. I have a stable happiness that never really goes away. Even in a tragic event I would not go up or down much. There would be a negligible degree of change between being at wedding or funeral. I'm pretty happy all the time although its hard to tell, I never really smile. Other people who look like they're overflowing with positive emotion are actually using it as a mask to hide some desperation. So lets define happiness like this: the amount of desperation that is NOT being suppressed. As an INTp, I feel almost no desperation outside a few moments when a thought crosses my mind about starving orphans, or that I should have given more to charity. Unhappiness stems from failure to achieve my hidden agenda (love/affection etc) Which leads to a better description of happiness. Based on this world, which type is the most likely to achieve their hidden agenda? Obviously INTp/ISTp. How hard is it to love? With enough training, not at all. In fact all you have to do is train yourself to think it. Being healthy is preposterous in our world of fast greasy food, understanding is difficult with so many backwards ideas/conspiracy theories floating around, being loved requires a great deal of work/marriage, believing is like understanding because it is difficult to define how you know that you "believe," being perfect is impossible, and being wealthy is achieved by very few. I think I missed one but I'm sure its not as easy as it is to love. So all of you who did not answer INTp, shame on you. INTps who discover Socionics are like caged prisoners of war who tripped, crashed through their prison cell wall, and fell into the base's armory, food/medical supplies, tanks and all. INTp+Socionics = Happiest People. Why? Vindication. Every problem, every fight, every misfortune, unfortune, disfortune becomes a matter of bad inter-type relations. Every bad choice/occurrence is explained and forgiven. Every future encounter becomes an exercise in mental manipulation, the world is our freaking oyster. While ISTps are #3 of the least likely types to read socionics and therefore are in the dark forever, (unless an INTp finds them and rams it down their throat.) If you are not an INTp and think you are happy, you haven't experienced the euphoria of broken social fetters. If you are an INTp and you are unhappy, hopefully the gravity of this realization sinks in soon. Finally, if you are worried that the system is incomplete, you are correct. HOWEVER, there is MORE than enough to arm us for an insurrection against the death camp that is modern day social structure. You are a one man legion, if you chose to simply accept the truth and do nothing about it, for it to be enough simply to understand, feh I say. If I ever meet someone like you there won't be mercy, I will DRAG you, kicking and screaming into using your talents. WHY? Because I wish someone had done it to me, and this is love, that you treat others as you would have them treat you. -- Mythikh
C42 Apparent happiness or genuine? I'm sure the truth would surprise most. -- Anonymous
C43 sadly, ESFJ most likely are the happiest. they're likely the type to convince themselves of being happy since society has brained washed them to think all the things they've worked toward/wanted for themselves is true happiness. so I voted ESFJ. -- nancy, infp
C44 I thought about it for a while. I'm an ENFP, and I'm happy very little of my time. I suppose it's what's theorized to be "Positive Disintegration". Simply put, I imagine an ESTP encountering few problems he's unable to solve quickly. Whatever else he does with his time is either boredom or enthusiasm. Possibly the "most happy", but is that really possible? Everyone's happy at different degrees. The further you move conceptually (as in your ability to deal with outside forces), the more pain you experience. Some people move slowly, and while they may experience less pain, they're also experiencing less excitement; thus "living less". I think the question is more a mark of intellectual progress than it is an emotional state. -- ManeatingCouch
C45 ESFps can be happy about the most mundane things, however, are easily disappointed, even enraged. ESFjs appear perfectly happy and cool in public, but have something gnawing at them subconsciously inside. ENFps are happy to be feeling or experiencing ANYTHING-good or bad-just as long as they aren't bored, SERIOUSLY. I therefore conclude that ENFps are the happiest. -- Mickey
C46 I am ESFj and I do feel most of the time happy. Even when the situation is quite tough (such as a divorce with my husband)I am pretty sure that everything is for the better. I hope against hope:-) I can be in a low mood like all the other people and even depressed but I always know that it is for balance, just to feel double happy afterwards... Be positive and optimistic!;-D -- airia
C47 I'm an ESTP and I am happy all the time. The few times I am unhappy I do my best to stay logical, fix the problem, and move on. -- Amanda
C48 Apparently my opinion is in the extreme minority. Maybe I understood "happiest" as "most satisfied", while most understood it as "most enthusiastic". I vote for ISTJ because ISTJs are the aptest at figuring out their basic needs and desires ([Si]) and pursuing them as effectively as possible ([Te]). They live the best-maintained lives. Once they find a way of life that works, they're content with it. The biggest challenge for an ISTJ to pursue happiness is learning to say no to people before overburdening themselves, which is a relatively simple challenge compared to an INFJ's struggle to be understood and appreciated, an ENTP's struggle to be content with actuality, etc. -- Jordan (INTP)
C49 All ENFJs I know seem to always be happy, even when I am not. My inferior function is Extroverted Feeling, so it shocks me how the the ENFJs can show it off so easily. I have noticed with ENFJs how, whenever they are happy, their happiness spreads to everyone else, therefore making the whole room happy. Of course, maybe they seem so happy in my opinion because most of the time, I don't feel happy or unhappy. Simply content with my situation to the point that it's as if I simply lack a feeling. Then the ENFJ comes in the room, and...boom...I'm suddenly happy... Maybe I just like ENFJs. -- INTP kid
C50 The only one out of the four top ones I agree with is ESFJ. ENFJ are probably one of the most manic depressive types I've seen, ESFP are always depressed or anxious when they aren't being loud and excitable, in fact one I know has clinical depression, and ENFP can be very internally unhappy, they're just very agreeable and seem not. ESFJ can be but are usually upbeat, and ISFP can also be very happy when they aren't letting their paranoid Ne to control them. -- Anonymous
C51 I've never met an unhappy ENFp; can't say the same for any of the other 15 types. They pale in comparison (at least on a consistent basis) to the sheer authentic optimism & glow ENFp's seem to radiate. -- Soc INTj, MBTI INTP, SLOAN rcoei, Enne 5w4
C52 Um ... the responses to this poll puzzle me. I've seen several theorists suggest that ENFj (me) can never, truly be happy. ENFj is constantly seeking an ideal it can never reach, must perform for others, often sacrifices its own identity and health to please others, has very thin psychological boundaries (and it, therefore, very easy to hurt). All this applies to me. Those who say ENFjs are likely to be the happiest Sociotype either have never truly gotten to know an ENFj, or, if they did, that ENFj was in a stable relationship with its Dual. -- Kheledon
C53 I've only ever know the "kind mom" ESFJ and the "clingy victim" ESFJ. I think they are kind of happy, but being P gives you freedom and that is happiness, so I voted ESFP. -- Anonymous
C54 I didn't vote for my type. I voted for what I thought would honestly be the happiest type. -- Anonymous
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