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Which Type would make the best parent?
ENFj - The Actor180720.0 %
ENFp - The Reporter4925.4 %
ENTj - The Pioneer2482.7 %
ENTp - The Inventor3343.7 %
ESFj - The Enthusiast7027.8 %
ESFp - The Ambassador2112.3 %
ESTj - The Director1872.1 %
ESTp - The Conqueror1481.6 %
INFj - The Empath134714.9 %
INFp - The Romantic7228.0 %
INTj - The Analyst4985.5 %
INTp - The Observer3874.3 %
ISFj - The Guardian103011.4 %
ISFp - The Peacemaker4334.8 %
ISTj - The Pragmatist2592.9 %
ISTp - The Artisan2342.6 %
Total Votes: 9039
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 41+ 70+
C1 this is silly... people just vote for empath and guardian because mothers should be empathetic and fathers guardians. -- Anonymous
C2 Good point, but maybe they called Empath and Guardian because they are like that and that's what parents should be like? -- Anonymous
C3 attaching the description may cause people to respond more based on the one word description they see, leading them away from actually thinking 'e' or 'i;' 's' or 'n;' ..etc -- Anonymous
C4 this is false, ISFP types seem to be the best parents. p.s: i'm not an ISFP. -- anonymous
C5 I have an empath as a parent, true they can be very empathetic, and they feed you and make sure everything is nice, clean and comfortable, and read you books, while you grow up, but my empath parent can also be controlling, manipulative, and very subjective (so much more so as I am an adult). And it doesn't help that I am an INTP (my other siblings also have trouble). -- Anonymous
C6 i voted INTp. A shy person who cares for the intellectual development of his/her children would be a great parent. This person wouldn't play into the emotions and games of children, etc. Calm reason makes good parenting. My second choices would have to be ESxx. Who better to parent then the active type? The person who wants their child to take iniative and enjoy life. -- pfftpow
C7 thats not true. my mom is an infj, and shes a bitch. -- Anonymous
C8 this test is bombbbbb -- Anonymous
C9 i voted for istj. i think the integral type of spartans was istj. spartan women were wanted all over greece as nannies. -- kam
C10 Yeah infjs are bitches. Parenting requires emotional projection not - with the notable exception of ISFj -- Anonymous
C11 Its a bizarre one to answer because a lot of it depends on what the child is like as a little person as they're the ones that matter here. With that in mind i would say estj or maybe even istj. The reason being no matter what the estj will still accept you as one of their own..even if its out of a sense of duty. If you go off the rails and at rock bottom at least they will still be there for you and thats got to be comforting? -- ISTp
C12 I voted ENTP for shits and giggles. -- Anonymous
C13 i voted infj, they are the most caring people. im an intp and my mother an infj; we get along perfectly well. their allows them to see others' potential and help them develop it -- akula
C14 ENTj. Tell me why not. Wait...that's like my dad... Hmm... I suppose it says alot about our own parents, whether we pick one like them or the opposite of them. Looking through the lists, i can tell who had mommy and daddy issues.... -- Anonymous
C15 My idea is that all types can teach children something at various stages. Children might need a feeling extrovert or an introvert with Fe when they are very small, because they need lots of care and emotional support. A feeling parent is also good for recognizing what the child likes doing and has talent for. Later, after some 12 or 15 years of age, an introverted T parent might be more suitable, because teenagers need someone who is not so easily offended by their emotional outbursts and attacks, and someone who would teach them how to think and who makes home a regular, though not strict, place. And then about 20 years of age people need an extroverted T type to teach them how to orientate in the wide world. -- ESFp
C16 Oh c'mon, ISTJ's CAN make good parents. -- Anonymous
C17 ISFP! ISFJs worry about their kids too much, if that's possible. Both make good parents, but ISFPs have fun with their kids. -- ENFP
C18 All this talk of being a 'fun' parent is all well and good. but remember that a parent's duty is not simply to be their child's 'friend'. a parent has to set boundaries for their child while still giving them the space to make the 'right mistakes' and find their individual identity, deal out punishment when it is required, and most importantly, be a good role model. if Gilmore Girls is anything to go by, ENFJ's (Lorelai's type) make for great parents. but yeh, i totally agree with ESFP ab/ how children's needs change as they get older, and hence will require different and evolving styles of parenting. unfortunately, one can't change one's parents halfway through growing up, so it's better to just learn to appreciate the parents u were born with. -- Sherry (INFP)
C19 Funny, I also voted ENTP for the lulz before I read the comments. -- Anonymous
C20 ENTP for the hell of it. A creative person who can get others excited and can explain things well, is always a good person to introduce you to things -- Anonymous
C21 I voted for ISFP because I'm ISFP and I'm the bomb. I'm already parenting my dad for god sake and hes only 50 and me 22. lol. Just kidding. I have strong morals of right and wrong, I'm alot of fun (usually in the house, rarely outside) boohoo -- chinosleep
C22 It depends on the child's type. Different kids have different needs. Any sensible, healthy, well adjusted person can make a good parent though, regardless of type. -- Anonymous
C23 I am indeed astonished that ENTp's have not been voted that often. Parents share the education of the kids, so one parent should be quite dominant, in order not to spoil the kid. too many parents choose the way of the least resistance. a kid needs boundaries and sometimes conflicts, otherwise it will have difficulties in it's future -- Anonymous the mouse
C24 I voted ENFJ because I think they would encourage their kids to socialize and appreciate their unique qualities. -- INTJ
C25 A good parent is probably the opposite of the what the child is so he/she helps them develop their weaknesses. -- Anonymous
C26 C7: I supposed you're ESTP? -- Anonymous
C27 C15 wins this discussion by a longshot! The problem is that many parents tend to keep their parenting style the same throughout the entire process and utilizes a "one size fits all" approach (especially with multiple child families). My mother is ESFJ (very extreme F). I was INTP growing up. My youngest and middle sister were ESFJ and ESFP respectively. One can easily imagine how this works: Myself and my mother: Conflicting. She never understood why I wasn't as "social" as my sisters. I withdrew and she had no clue how to communicate with me. My mother and the middle child: Quasi-identical: both expect the other to be similar in may ways, but one perceives and the other judges, creating a lot of misunderstandings. My mother and the baby of the family: Identical: they get along great! They don't hang around each other 24-7-365 because they'll easily bore each other... Now that I fluctuate between ENFP and ENTP as an adult, my mother and I communicate better (Activity or Benefactor/Beneficiary, depending on my mood), but because my mother is an EXTREME F and is threatened by any T (whether extreme or not), we still have the occasional squabble... -- Killer B
C28 ENTp...Their amazing problem solving skills make it so that whatever personality type child they have they will be able to figure out how to make their growing up experience the most beneficial. Least likely to be a stick in the mud on how or what a child should do something. Also ENTPs are among the most loving/lovable of the T's. -- Anonymous
C29 I have an INFj mother and an ISFj father... they've been the best parents I ever could have asked for. So I'd have to say this test is pretty accurate. -- Anonymous
C30 INFj 'cause they 'spiritually' connect with their kids. -- Anonymous
C31 people are weird. -- Anonymous
C32 I think ENFp as a mother and ISTp as a father would be great for any type of child as the ENFp takes care of their emotional needs and ISTp of everything else. They also leave a lot of breather room for the kids to grow up without being manipulative. -- Anonymous
C33 INFJs the best parent? Yeah right. My mother is an INFJ and she's a total bitch. -- INFP
C34 I voted ISFJ... My sister is an ISFJ and I think she would be an excellent mother. -- ENFP
C35 INTJ cause we cut out all the BS and actually give the kids some straight talk -- Anonymous
C36 I voted for ESTJ (one of the few! hehe) not because ESTJs make the most enjoyable parents, but because I feel like they are able to give me the most tools to use in life when i'm on my own and living my own life. Yea, they can be annoying - but that's what parents are for! -- Anonymous
C37 That's hilarious. The INFJ tried to return the puppy she bought when she found out it had a defect. Maybe she has been mistyped. -- Anonymous
C38 I think it would be more fun to have ESFP parents. Both of them. -- Anonymous
C39 Well anybody can be a very good parent, if they are mature and realise the child's needs. I voted ISTj, they're very protecting and caring of their children. But still, any personality type can be. -- José Daniel
C40 I have a Guardian as a mother, and an Empath as a sister. So two mothers. In the common description of good parent, they win. They just get on my ENTp nerves every other day, and I'm happy to be out of that house. THEY CARE TOO MUCH!!! I'm going to be the fun uncle... -- Anonymous
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